JPG file of RTSP stream

Al lot of home automation systems require an .jpg url for using the camera. Also al lot of other camera brands support this feature.

i know this can be done with ffmpeg, but it would be great if it could be implemented in the firmware.

Moderator Note: I have approved this topic for the #wishlist, but keep in mind that RTSP firmware development is not ongoing. See this:

I would love this feauture. If there would be a http(s) link (including login credentials) to a snapshot of the camera my smarthome system would be able to send me a snapshot when for example my doorbell was pressed.
Doesn’t have to be from the rstp firmware. Could also be the standard firmware. I guess the original question was misunderstood. I read it like the question could apply to both.

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This can be done with TinyCam.

Thanks, it can also be done with ffmpeg, but it would be super nice if its builtin

I would also like this feature to be part of the wyze firmware itself. There is already a possibility to Take a Photo from the Wyze app. So maybe a solution is not far away?