Quick question regarding wyze bulb white

I am in the process of making a home theater room and was wondering if anyone has used the wyze bulbs ( with a routine) to slowly dim the lights to off, just like in a real movie theater? I dont have any smart bulbs at all so any advice is greatly appreciated! :grinning:

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I use Kasa for my theater lights. I set them both to 2700 °K and set brightness to 25% by voice. When theater exits or needs to be clean I set them to 6500 °K and 100%. I haven’t tried auto-dimming. Interesting to see what you come up with. I need some minimal light when viewing movie.

Thanks for your input. I do utilize 2 KASA plugs as they do work good but the rest of my house is a wyze one :wink:

My plan is to have a google home routine that closes an automated black out blind and then dims the lights slowly. If I get it all working like I want I will post the results.


Excellent. I would be interested in your follow-up.

I have two Wyse bulbs elsewhere. One in the living room and one in the family room. Both Wyze are set to 2700°K at 100%.

When I first said turn on lights, all four came on. I now say turn on theater lights to differentiate.

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Excellent tip. That will come in handy. Thank you.

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The Wyze White bulbs unfortunately do not dim down deep enough to be useful as home theater lights.

I ended up using a Lutron caseta dimmer and some Feit LED bulbs instead in my lamps as that combo can dim down to barely visible with ease.

With Alexa, you can get some automated ramping up and down of brightness but over short periods of time it is not linear making jumps in values that is annoying so you have to do the dimming manually with a pico remote or locally at the dimmer.

Alexa don’t seem to have a pause function within the routines that you could use to write a better ramp routine but maybe that’s possible via other means.

Thank you so much! Valuable info here. Many thanks!

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