I was rather disappointed to learn Wyze sense couldn’t (easily) trigger lights to come on using Alexa. The bulb may be a short term bridge around this (too limited) but just to be sure - Can Wyze sense directly turn on a bulb?
If you watch this video at around 5:46 I think you will see Wyze sense can directly turn on a bulb.
Thanks. I had watched the video, and because it said “fast” it would imply that IFTTT wasn’t involved because IFTTT is so slow it’s essentially useless IMHO. Unless I missed it, it didn’t state expressly that this was the case. Just wanted to make sure. Pre-order has been made, fingers crossed.
It can via Wyze’s own shortcuts. But it can’t via an Alexa routine since Sense devices aren’t integrated with Alexa.
I would assume it works much like when you tell a camera to take an action based on a sensor. That is very quick. IFTTT is used more for interfaces between different brands, so I wouldn’t expect them to be using it. We’ll know more specific details on how well it works next month, but the video clip was very encouraging.
According to the Details / Key Features page on the pre-order page in the app, It says “Works with Alexa or Google Assistant to control your lights with your voice”. It is a WiFi device, it probably doesn’t need anything else Wyze to function.
Newshound, I think you may have misunderstood. I don’t necessarily need it to work without Wyse Sense. I want it to work with Wyse Sense since other smart bulbs will not (at least not directly). There are already numerous options for smart bulbs that work with Alexa but you can’t turn them on with a Sense device.
Ah, sorry about the confusion.
Just ordered the Wyze bulbs pack, with tax and shipping, came down to about $10 per bulb. Not dimmable though… Probably use it with Sense motion sensor in locations like hallway and garage. Currently I am using a hue bulb in a hallway with the motion sensor, with IFTTT. But that few seconds delay making it unsatisfactory.
the Wyze bulbs are dimamble. same as your Hue bulbs.
Yes, the Wyze bulbs are dimmable thru software control, they just can’t be put on a dimmer switch.
Oh cool, thanks for correcting me. Nice surprise.
Can you explain how you did it?
- Create Shortcut
- add bulb to the action menu
- toggle on automatate
- tap Automation menu
- choose event
- choose your Wyze sensor
Awesome! I have it all setup now. I wasn’t really looking through the shortcut menu as I didn’t realize it included the automation. Thanks!
Still waiting for the bulbs, can we set it to trigger by motion sensor, but only during specific time period? Thanks.
There currently is no time filter for Shortcuts
When creating a shortcut, and after setting an action, under “Automation” you can set either “Time of Day” or an “Event”. They are mutually exclusive.
Does vacation mode have to be on to use shortcuts for turning the Wyze bulb on and off?
Vacation mode directions are located just above on same page of the link I posted.