Question about Automations…

Trying to set up my first automation. Need a door sensor to trigger a camera siren when opened. When I go to “ Device and Service Trigger” all I see listed is “Home”. Expected to see my cameras and door contacts. Any ideas on why cameras and door contacts are not listed? Thanks

Is this after you start the create automation process? Or just viewing the automation tab? Can you post a screen shot of what your seeing?

When I try to create an automation.

Ok. Finally figured out what I was doing wrong. Automations are new to me so I’m still learning the process.


Glad to hear! What was the issue? How did you get it figured out?

If you can answer those questions, it’ll help the forum Community that sees your post in the future to see both the question and the resulting answer that fixes the problem. Thanks in advance!


happens to all of us more than we like to admit! glad you got it figured out. where did you go to see that though? i tried to recreate it and I couldn’t do it lol


My mistake was going to Home Monitoring Settings and then choosing Automations. Doing so only allows you to set Home Monitoring Automations. I did not realize that specific equipment automations are set by going to the Home Screen and clicking on the + symbol at the top of the page, the choosing automations. It took me a while to find it.