Procedure for WCO

Looks good to me. :slightly_smiling_face:
After 6:30 in the morning -AND- before 8:27 in the eventing and
-IF- there is motion detected by the WOC
(the WOC will record 1 clip and send a notification)
-THEN DO- Disable motion detection.

On my app it showed the Detect Motion was actually toggled OFF.

On your App, go to Accounts, scroll down to Rules History and you’ll see each Rule by Date/Time/Name and when it Succeeded.

well, there seems to be the problem.
street light detect motion failed. however it still records the motion its failing to detect… these things are frustrating as heck haha

i mean this is a pretty basic freaking rule lol.

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Pretty Basic, I agree. btw: just received an event alert on my phone but when I opened it there was nothing there. Maybe there is a server problem?
edit: It showed up an hour later. . .

Did the Rule you created show “Failed” on the Account → Rules History tab?
Did the Device Settings → Notification show as OFF?
If you manually turn of Motion Detect does WOC still send notifications?
Perhaps need to add an external control from Wyze Sense device?

I have an Android and understand there are some connection problems with iOS 14.x but nothing reported with Rules. Could be you need to open a Support Ticket.

@Dunginhawk Have you also tried to set Rule Schedule instead of a Device Trigger for your WOC?

so given all my issues… it appears as though my cams just record all the dang time… so im just going to try a rule to turn em on at 930pm and off at 630 lol. see if that works

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Absolutely, If you get one Rule to work consistently then you’re on your way. :slightly_smiling_face:
The WCO sleeps all the time, waits for IR sensor to wake them up, bit of recording then back to sleep . . . :zzz:

yep. that rule didnt work either… cams wont turn on via a rule… So why even make it an option? Oh well. Ill sell my WCOs and figure something else out… they have been nothing but frustrating from the second I got em. This coming from someone with 12 v2s, scale, open/close, bulbs, etc etc etc.

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if you separate a cam from the group and test the rule on the ungrouped cam does it work?

I can make a rule where if one wco detects motion it can turn off the motion detection on another wco and it appears to work.

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so before i tried just turning cams on/off i tried your suggestion… I tried both grouped and un grouped. Motion detection never got turned off when a cam detected motion. its been a nightmare :frowning:
I like the system. the magnetic cams. i see a future, but my problems are compounding :frowning:

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Have you opened a Support Ticket to address this probem with the rules?
Either we’re overlooking something or there is a problem with the camera(s).

Click this link to Click this to Open a Support Ticket

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  • Choose support topic

BTW, i opened a support ticket. and nothing worked. they eventually closed it. Support is pretty god awful. It just consists of “reset this” or “factory this” “recreate rule” pretty damm frustrating.