[POLL] How about that Wyze app 3.0 (in Beta 2!) šŸ’Ŗ

Only 6 voted on 2. I have live feed jittery video, fast forward video, wonā€™t load videos with mesh on both. Maybe I need to drop ro two cameras per group. Most per group 3.

Iā€™m starting to like the old model app better, ā€œalmostā€ or just use Devices. Of course it comes and goes, I clear the cache often, may be related to Internet traffic as well as bandwidth.:person_shrugging:

That would certainly be annoying/frustrating. I havenā€™t experienced any of those issues. Weird, since weā€™re both on Android. But I can understand from that perspective. Thanks for adding those clarifications. :+1:

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I have to agree with @G2740 here. Iā€™m experiencing the same issues and I am on iOS. The v3 has lots of potential but I donā€™t think itā€™s stable enough. As G2740 mentioned, the issues come and go. Previous version 2.5 wasnā€™t perfect but was more stable.

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Its kind of odd too, on my Samsung S23 Ultra when Beta 1 was released it seemed more stable to me.

I had 7 or 8 cams in favorites and theyā€™d open. Now as we say, comes and goes. One time their open and happy next time spinning. 4 at most, mostly 3 cams.

Iā€™ve reloaded the app once, got that flashing silver screen thing. Still flashes occasionally.

Iā€™ve cleaned the cache a lot, all apps too.
Rebooted router and access points, wait for settle. Just did again. :joy:

Worst case Device info shows wifi 2 bars on a couple, most others 3 bars.

Bugs and beta, I get it. Lol

Give them some time, they should fix it.

Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one experiencing the behaviour.


The Summerlin Foundation is now hounding me to do additional things of a charitable nature (as foundations often do) even though Iā€™m ill-suited to most things by nature (especially working for free!)

I remain grateful, however, and present the historical evidence here:

What have you done to thank the crazy bug-sniffers lately? :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your charitable nature and presence, or presents, you bring to our life.

Thanks for shining some light on the bug-sniffers working late into the night in their journey towards a successful :deciduous_tree:. o app.

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lol At first I didnā€™t realize you were talking about our @ssummerlin in here and thought the Ssumerlin Foundation was some real charity and was about to Google what they were about. It would make for a great-sounding NPO name though! If you ever get super rich ssummerlin and have enough free time to do your own NPO, maybe you should do it.

Hmm, Iā€™m going to have to bookmark this comment for later blackmail use.

I donā€™t mind working for free in certain contexts, particularly when other goals, needs, preferences, or ideals converge, including having sufficient other needs already met.
For example, I have often helped family and friends do things without compensation such as help them move, or do projects at their house. Things that are ā€œworkā€ but for which I am happy to help when they are in need. :slight_smile:



My cousin built a city near Las Vegas and named it after his Grandmotherā€™s maiden name. Never met him, He was called Howard Hughes.
check out http://summerlin.com


According to Wikipedia (not that I fully trust it) it was named after his death by Summa Corporation now known as Howard Hughes Corporation. Nevertheless interesting read.

Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks for reading my trivial trivia.

I also had a cousin die defending the Alamo - Augusta Spain Summerlin.

My great-great-grand uncle was a cattle baron in Central Florida. He helped Orlando grow before Disney got there - Jacob Summerlin.

Family history is amazing. I could only find family ties to Jacob. No money trickled-down but I still find it interesting.

I was the first in the family to buy Wyze Products and to vote in this poll.


I had a great uncle, my grandfatherā€™s on fatherā€™s side older brother died in Balkan Wars and my grandfather on motherā€™s side fought the Nazis under Titoā€™s leadership. He owned few properties in the city, but after the war he gambled everything to support his alcoholism. According to my grandmother he was never the same after the war. All we inherited was few medals of honour and bravery.

It is amazing, to bad you didnā€™t inherit any money :frowning:

Iā€™d say thatā€™s an accomplishment :slight_smile:


Very interesting. Thanks for sharing your history.

My ancestors were mostly grubs. We bootstrapped ourselves to amphibian but thatā€™s gonna be about it.

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Well said, the carver. I donā€™t mind when you work for free in certain contexts, either. :slight_smile:

Cheers, crazy beta folk. Long may you sniff. Or pick, as @Earl.Automation prefers:


Ok, whatā€™s all this about ā€˜funā€™ - not on the program. :grin:

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