Playback does not work from the event view

I have one v3 camera which will not play the SD card from Events whether on Cam Plus or Cam Plus Lite. I am glad for you that you got your camera working correctly on Cam Plus.

Apologies in advance if this doesn’t work for anyone else.
So I had this problem using my V3 as well and it’s finally working as intended.
I can finally view short video from the events page.

I can’t confirm if this fixed it or if this is just coincidence, but here is what I did.
I went to the wyze main site, logged in and then to “access my cams” under the profile icon. From there I went to account, my services and then I needed to manually add my cam v3 to the cam plus lite subscription as it was not selected.

Camplus lite doesn’t work for me. I had to select the paid camplus subscription.

BTW, you know you can manage camplus lite from the app too? Goto account > services > 3 dots in upper right corner > 3 dots in camplus lite > manage camera

Neither one of these two suggestions worked for me. From the main web… all my cameras were added to my cam unlimited account.

From the app there was no second 3 dots, it went to manage subscription and my choice was to cancel the subscription or manage the subscription. I assume since I have unlimited it cover them all.

Thank you for the heads up on the camplus access via the app Salor.

One shouldn’t have to subscribe to anything for the playback “feature” to work.

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Wyze must have gotten the playback from events fixed, I can now view events from the SD card, this problem was only on the last two cams I purchased in May.

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Thanks for your update. The cable and WiFi network is down in my area so I can’t verify that here right now. Did you notice a firmware update?

As soon as it’s back up here I’ll get back with an update.

I just tested mine on a cam that it didn’t work on before, since March 12th but it does now.

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Yeah not sure that’s true I think it might work for some or certain cameras but my doorbell playback and floodlight pro playback still do not work from the event tab and I pay for the camplus and was paid subscriber before all these issues. It’s getting to the point where they truly don’t care. If everyone is having this problem and I personally have tried resetting the cameras, making sure the firmware was up to date removed cameras. Added them back checked they were added on the subscription page and still just the damn circle of death.

That’s encouraging news, fingers crossed.

My Cam v3 is now playing videos from SD from the events page! I do not have a subscription.

Looks like they’re fixing the problem. Hope this lasts.

After our network was restored (Spectrum was down for a few hours) I checked my cameras and all are now working as expected.

Maybe all our complaining has finally been heard and WYZE Engineering responded. Let’s keep watching and please report back if your cameras haven’t been fixed yet.

Thank you everyone.

They have listened, @WyzeJasonJ posted this on 17 June 2024 in the Fix it Friday post:


Hurrah. My V2 works again. I don’t need to put camplus subscription on it.


Hey @Antonius, is your problem child v3 working now?


Yes I tested it a few times this afternoon and it works like it is supposed to. Thanks for asking. :joy:


Looks like Wyze is making good on their promises :slight_smile:

No joy with my V3. Still says no microsd when click playback on events screen. Playback fine on live view.

Did you power cycle the camera?