Play back very slow to change times

Good Day all

I have a question about the video play back .
I have continuous recording set up.
When I get an event alert say at 7am but it is now 5pm and I want to go back in time to look at the 7am alert.
The slide bar to go back to the time is not sensitive enough. I usually end up 5 min ahead or behind the event. Very difficult to go to the exact time the event happened.
I have to wait those minutes to clock by before i can see the event.
Is there a fast forward option or a way to enter in the exact time I want to go back to?
I have yet to find a way to find tune it.

Also it is very slow to move to the times I select. I am assuming this is network related?
I tried on cell data as well as wifi with similar results.

hank you in advance for any guidance you can provide.

Also I am sure this was asked before but can you view the cameras on your laptop ? web interface etc?

Did you try expanding the time line to make it easier to go to the spot you want to see?

there unfortunately is not fast forward or rewind yet, here is a wishlist item where you can vote for it:

you can pinch to zoom in/out on the slider bar, this will give you a bigger view of less time frames so it will be easier to get it where you want it. At the very bottom of this article it explains this better:

slow to move to the times…what sd card do you have in there?

32G 10 HC micro sd

I had a class 10 card from Sandisk that had similar issues, and then would stop working - these cameras need endurance rated cards, I would recommend either the Wyze branded or the Samsung Endurance card…i use both of these currently with no issues. Please see this post for more info:

Currently there is not web interface, users have been working around this with emulators, and having good luck from what i’ve read. Here is a wishlist item where you can vote for this functionality to be added:

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This might be a stupid question but how do you expand the time. I tried taping on it, pinching it etc.
What am I missing

Reverse-pinch it, or spread the timeline out.

Thank you but does not seem to work on android. I tried several ways . Wot zoom in on the time

I wonder if you are being affected by the loss of Android hardware acceleration. The way to test that would be to downgrade to V2.4.82, the last version that had that:

  • Uninstall your current app before installing the older one.

  • Enable the hardware video decoding option after installation.

  • Turn off automatic app updates to prevent upgrades to the app.

You can find V2.4.82 here:

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Place both index fingers in about the center of the time line and then drag both outward.

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Here is a wyze video…


Ok so I tried all that and did not work.
However if I rotate the phone I then get the granular time slide bar. So I was able to get it that way.

Thank you all for the replies and suggestions.


I believe there is a problem with Wyze. I’ve reported this lagging as well. It may be related to Wyze’s dropping hardware acceleration from the App. It’s not the network or your phone–it used to work for me and now it very much doesn’t. It’s very frustrating because when you need to see something in playback you effectively can’t.

In post 9 is a procedure to downgrade to the last version with hardware acceleration.

Or, you can wait, or join the Beta group. A possible fix is in Beta now. :grin: