I have not got the hang of what situations (if any) will trigger a pet detection. Does the AI need to see the face of the dog? If so, any orientation?
Any updates on Pet Detection? Are there any scenarios where it works?
Any updates on the beta pet detection? If it works, I can’t figure it out.
In theory, you just Need Cam Plus on the camera, and it if recognizes a Pet it will label the clip as such (see below).
I do not know anything about how well it works, or what still needs to be done to the algorithm. Since this is a user-to-user community, I doubt anyone here does.
Attached is a clip where it labeled a bird that was trying to land on my cam as a “Pet”, so there are at least some Pet AI routines working ATM. It is still a pilot program.
Not sure why you need Pet recognition, but if it is to separate Pets from People, the current software only allows you to turn AI notifications in whole on and off. However you can restrict the camera’s AI detection to just people or just pets under Services on the Account tab.
This wasn’t a how to make it work question, this was a why doesn’t it work (reliably) question. I have Cam Plus (that’s a requirement for the beta) and I have a dog (that’s a pet). It’s nice to see that your “pet” bird did trigger a pet alert for you. I was hoping to hear from Wyze is they have made any improvements to their pet detection algorithm. I think Wyze understands the value of pet detection. I am hoping for a reliable detection mechanism.
Best thing to do may be to report it as a bug in the Beta app. Then at least you will be contacting a Wyze employee.