Pepe' Le Pew & Friends

They were sold shortly after I left. I got to watch the process of them trying to catch the hens through my wyze cams.

:astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: What- No more :chicken: :chicken: ?

No more for now. They belonged to my daughter as well. And sheā€™s too busy to help out with them when Iā€™m gone, and Iā€™ve been going to help my aging mother every year, so she comes first for now. I may sell the little coop that I built. But Iā€™m going to keep the big coop just in case. In the meantime, I can use it as a little garden shed and turn the chicken yard into a garden.

You could rent the little coop to your cat friends or maybe a possum or two. :grin: Well you still have the birds to play with as long as the weather doesnā€™t run them off.

Bahaha. I came home yesterday morning to freezing weather here. Itā€™s supposed to get back up into the 70s, though. I had brought all my plants in for the winter that I had around my bird Bath and hardly any water in it. Have to clean it out and replenish so the birds will come back. I got so accustomed to looking out my kitchen window into the chicken run in the background, and now it feels weird that theyā€™re not there anymore. And Iā€™ll have to find other places to put the Wyze cams now.

I think you have a V3 Pro ? If you have not updated the firmware donā€™t

Shoot, I think i updated them all last week

Oh, you said pro. Yes, I have one pro. The rest are V-2ā€™s and v threeā€™s and pancam

V3 Pro Firmware update has now been paused. Had problems

Oh k, thanks for that.

Back to regular programming :raccoon: :raccoon:

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Three of the gang passing by.

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The extended family is hitching a ride to your house


Yeah the didnā€™t show up last night. :flushed:

More than likely the person is a trapper and raccoons can get mighty stinky inside the van. Either that or the van is full of :raccoon: and those on the roof are overflow. :flushed:

I havenā€™t seen any raccoons lately. Neighbor leaves dog food on her driveway for them.

I put out marshmallows last night but no critters came by to get any, not even the possum. Of course the freeloading black cat with the white socks was out there sitting by the water bowl almost all night.
:rage: :black_cat:

One of them is learning a TikTok dance


These five have no time for that nonsense.


Itā€™s obvious your family doesnā€™t eat Jenny Craig. My dancing raccoon is in SHAPE.

Wasted 5 marshmallows. The gang was a no show and it is raining on their snacks. :roll_eyes: