Pan Cam V3 Freezes Up

My Pan Cam V3 has been acting strange lately.

The Firmware version is:

It gets triggered then just flips out.

This video is cut from over 5 minutes

The green Motion Tracking box is definitely wigging out, but the video appears to continue recording.

I have been running the Beta FW but never experienced that.

What sensitivity do you have set?

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Sensitivity is set to 100 in order to see people in the street

That may have something to do with it. I suspected it was maxed out. At that level of sensitivity, even the very miniscule changes in pixelation of single pixels will set off motion… and the green box. It appears that the onboard cam motion detection is fighting against the video resolution logic that tries to “fill in the gaps” within pixels that are out of focus in the distance. When the cam tries to adjust the resolution and image smoothing, it sets off the motion detection because the pixels are fluttering.

Try backing down the sensitivity by 10% at a time and see if it subsides.

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Good idea, Slab

I’ll try that and see how it goes

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I hope that one day they’ll update the system to full-scene detection. I think it would make it more accurate in detecting individual items, like People, Pets, Vehicles etc

Please elaborate. What do you mean by this?

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IIRC, knowing that I have a bit of dementia goin on, certain high-end security cameras would take in the whole scene and make their comparisons that way, but not down to the pixel, per se.

I remember a bit about it when I was in the Army in the early eighties.

I think it was like taking a snap shot of the scene every so many milliseconds apart and making a comparison to the last scene. Then it would make a determination of what that change means, based on shapes, rather than individual pixels.

But then again, I might be misremembering here

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Ah yes. I understand now. Comparative Historical Digital Image Analysis and Rapid Automatic Image Categorization, that flags changes in scenery from prior recorded patterns. A much different type of AI that requires much more processing power and historical image history to run. Hard to fit that onto the itty bitty chip in the cam.

Alumnus. 88-12. Hooah!

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I was in for less years than you…yet proud as hell I did it

31Quebec here…tactical satellite/microwave communications :slight_smile:

I think they changed that MOS quite a few years ago though

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They change them all the time. I started as a 91A, then they changed it to a 91B, they have since changed it to a 68W. Medic. I transitioned to the Dark Side shortly after my first re-up, commissioned as a 70A Health Care Administrator MSC, and progressed thru 70D, 70E, 70F, 70C, and finished 70H Health Svcs Plans, Ops, Intel, Sec, Tng.

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That is really awesome, Slab!

Thank you for your service!

Hoorah Brother!

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