Outdoor plug sharing issue

Welcome to the Forum, @petrolasalle! :wave:

I just fiddled with a Plug Outdoor that’s shared to me, and I’m finding that I’m unable to control either socket when I tap into them from the app’s Devices tab. If I tap a socket and then tap the power button (e.g., on the Plug Outdoor’s SOCKET 1 OF 2 screen), then the app shows a “Loading…” message for several seconds without actually changing the socket’s state. I’m not seeing any kind of failure message, but that ain’t right.

I did find that if I :star: the sockets on the Devices tab to add them to Favorites, I can turn them on and off there, and that seems to work reliably, at least in my limited testing. Also, I have no problems controlling a socket that’s been assigned to a home and room in the Google Home app (which is how I usually control them anyway, or, more frequently, just talking to Google Assistant to turn on/off the fan that’s plugged in). I don’t know if using something like Google Home or Amazon Alexa is an option for you, but at the very least you could add the sockets to your Favorites tab in the Wyze app and see if that gives you a better experience (assuming you’re using a current app version).

I would guess that you’re talking here about Local Schedules on the Plug Outdoor itself (from a socket’s main screen, tap :gear: Settings ➜ Schedules). Local Schedules are nice because they’re stored on and run from the Plug Outdoor itself, without relying on a constant Internet connection. Unfortunately, there’s a longstanding known issue with these, with most users who’ve experienced it reporting that a schedule will run on one socket but not the other. (I have not been able to replicate this myself when I’ve tested.) I don’t have any insight into Wyze’s efforts to address this, though I would expect it to be a fix-it-friday submission when those resume again at some point.

In the meantime, using a Schedule-type Automation (from the Wyze app’s Home screen, tap the upper-right :heavy_plus_sign: ➜ Automation ➜ Schedule) should be an option if your Plug Outdoors’ locations have reliable connections to your home Wi-Fi. I think that’s what a lot of users are doing as a work-around for the Local Schedules problem.

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