Outdoor CAM PIR sensor

A further reading of the link in my recent post describes that it worked very well. It is working well to this day. I do not have a WCO.

This theory from another thead could explain why the flag is causing do many events.


Nice spellingā€¦ (touche)

Tupid fone.

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You guys must have an inside joke of some sort? In any case, Iā€™m pleased to report that I found a decent place to mount my outdoor cam. Iā€™m going to attach a video. Even though you see the flag whipping, it doesnā€™t trigger a notification. I have both detection distance and image sensitivity set to 100%.

The thing that amazes me is if I walk out my front door (located on the small step on the other side of my truck), it also doesnā€™t trigger a notification. Weā€™re about to get some major T-storms with crazy winds so I brought my flag inside. Even with that being the case, when I walk out my front door, no notifications. I have to walk in front of my truck and practically directly in front of the camera before it will capture motion and send a notification.

Different problem thatā€™s likely discussed in a different thread?

It appears that before you reach the front of your Ford P/U you are walking nearly straight at the camera which will not trigger the PIR as I understand it.

To be honest, I really donā€™t care much if it doesnā€™t catch people coming out of the house. I have indoor cams that will capture that motion anyway. Iā€™ve done a bit more testing and it is working okay.

I was reading one of the other threads and it looks like there is some beta firmware available to try. Maybe Iā€™ll give that a shot, but right now Iā€™m thinking Iā€™ll just wait for WYZE to come out with a fully tested and approved version.

Iā€™m guessing weā€™ll see something released by the end of the month if not earlier.

Big_monkey is correct.
The PIR sensors work best if they are placed at right-angles to the kinds of motion you want to detect.

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