Having upgraded to V3’s I have a spare V2, Does anyone have an original idea for using an old camera?
I have been using one as a mouse cam, watching the traps. I also have one pointing at an outdoor thermometer and one in my van.
Are there any other original uses for an old camera?
If you have a Smartmeter for power you could get real-time view of data.
Use old v2s as non-recording IR illuminators for outdoor v3s. Mount v2s away from v3s, turn IR off on v3s and never have to clear spiderwebs again.
I have 17 operational V2 cameras (all bought before the V3 came out). There are lots of places where a V2 works just fine. Here are a few of mine:
3 cameras looking out through a bay window (each has a V3 next to it)
1 camera in my mailbox
1 camera looking at my weather station
1 camera looking at some display panels that I use for Christmas while in operational storage off season
7 cameras in my Garage (two are Pan)
1 Driver cam in my truck
So you are getting those images by simply putting a v2 up with IR on for the V3’s to use the light? Impressive. I will have to try that
That’s the result of 6 repurposed v2s out back, not 1.
That’s a great idea
Well, I know what I will be doing this weekend or next. Thanks for the screen shots