Open Integration Services

Wow your customers show keen interest with a massive wish list. Growth crushes more companies than one can imagine. The giants found ways to successfully grow which more often than not was from first innovators advantage. Some what can Wyze do to grow - well here’s my suggestion: open integration support!
Wyze is on Github and reditt so you already know there is a serious developers’ community. Exploit it for rapid growth of product features and integrations!
For example I took a $15 Pi, loaded Homebridge and started looking at apps.
It strikes me that an active, supported and planned integration environment could launch the usefulness and demand for Wyze products and services.
As for planned - there is serious low hanging fruit. As example instead of full video integrations with video doorbell, why not promote api integrations for events. Such events would handled by a Wyze Homebridge app which might cross platform making service more homogeneous cross ecosystems.
Wyze could even package a preloaded Homebridge server for product and services expanding Wyze’s tech savvy brand!
Bottom line, it’s better to work with the Wyze community than control it!
Give me a shout if you want to chat.

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