Office365 email not supported

I have been using wyze products for over 10 years.

My work needed some security camera for outside so i suggested wyze battery cam pro cameras.
I ordered them and once recieved i proceeded to create an account for the work place.

I tried numorous times to setup an account using our email servers with office 365 we have a custom domain. as many times as I have tried the welcome email to finish setting up the account did not come. I contact support via chat. after an hour of back and forth their solution was to used a another email address from a well known email service.

This is a no go, we need notifications sent to our employees at work from the cameras. Before we go down the spam, email filtering ect. I am the IT director for the company and have confirmed the welcome email never reaches our office365 servers via message trace.

How is Micorsoft office 365 not a well known email provider. How is it not possible for wyze to send an email to one of the largest email providers.?

If I do not get resolution to this I am going to have to send these cameras back and will not be ordering the 30 more cameras that we will be needing in the future, not to mention the unlimited service subscription for said cameras.

Please advise.

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Unless there is something new…Wyze doesn’t send any emails, only push notifications to phones.

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Wyze does not send alerts via email. Just phone push notifications.


however, we cannot have users get accounts setup with their email addresses. we cannot force them to use their personal email addresses.

so in order to get notifications they need an account and they cannot setup an account if wyze cannot (will not) send the email welcome message to finish setting up their accounts.

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Bummer. I wonder if sharing would work?

What is the limit on how many shares you can have.

I think you are presuming the email is NOT being sent. That is not how email works. If Wyze accepted your account creation form, then I’m sure it’s trying to send confirmations in the background.

Email is ALWAYS sent from email providers. It doesn’t go through a check and then hold the email back due to your domain name.

The email goes out to the world and then DNS/EMAIL rules start to try to send the email. When passing through gateways and doing it’s lookup, if the email domain (NOT the host provider) is blacklisted, the email will bounce. It doesn’t care anything about the Host servers you are on, it cares about your domain name and have you been labeled as a troublesome domain.

You should check your email domain to see if you are on a list somewhere and then call Microsoft to verify your email settings are not stopping anything.

Their process sends emails out… if you are not receiving them, then you have to check your email domain settings for something that is off.

This is a good site:

All I know is it is not hitting our exchange server. I ran a message trace and there is nothing coming from

therefore the email is not coming into our exchange server. That is all I know as I do not have any visibilty into where the mail is routing from wyze servers.

Again I am in the IT feild for the past 20 years I know how email works.

Besides there being a block in place on microsofts servers that I would not know about

I understand but think about this logically… Do you think Wyze is picking on you and refusing to send it? or is there a bigger issue from your domain that is somehow refusing the mail?

Wyze does not have the ability to know who your email host is… they only know your domain name.

Have you called Microsoft to see if your domain is healthy? Did you check MX tools.

Email is pretty complicated and there are a lot of hiding places. For reference, I was first certified on Exchange 5.5 Server in 2000.

Can you create a free email just to setup your work cameras?

markcompanyname@gmail dot com. (some email like this)

Then give everybody the Wyze creditials to log into the App?

A couple of downsides come to mind.

  1. You would to switch Wyze logins to check you work and personal cameras.
  2. Everyone with the creditials could mess with the settings.
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The idea is they would use their work email addresses to setup a wyze account and we would share them to their accounts.

we cannot make them use personal emails and I would nto want to either. work is work personal is personal. I know they could just create gmail account just for the wyze. but I really should not have to if they can just send an email to our work email addresses.

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I have seen certain providers not support free email. Just not sure why they would not send to custom domains. but who knows I don’t know their systems.

I agree it should just work. that is why i did no diligence to make sure it was not getting hit by our email filters or office 365 defender.

Do you receive notifications from this forum regarding your posts?

I am using my personal gmail wyze account for the forum.

since I am unable to finish creating my wyze account ( not able to receive the welcome email) I cant even finish creating the account using our work email.

Can you send messages from you gmail account to your work account?

Sure can