I’m not sure but you seem to have a tone when you mention someone being desperate asking for help. Well obviously you’re on this forum for some reason so does that mean any advice you give, I shouldn’t listen to either? I mean, I appreciate any response that’s constructive but you don’t have to read this thread if you don’t like me asking and posting about the issues. Words are easily misinterpreted so maybe that wasn’t your intent. I didn’t view others comments as being trolls but I guess you did. Maybe that wasn’t your intent when you posted.
It’s my belief that a lot of people have problems and don’t post and therefore collective mind can’t try to noodle out something that maybe the company isn’t aware of.
However, in this case, the last representative had mentioned something about them being aware, but no idea of when a fix would happen.
In my opinion, this has nothing to do with pixel. This is everything to do with Wyze.
when I first got the OG this wasn’t an issue, at least that it appeared to be that way for quite some time until they updated the app or firmware. I don’t know which one because they happened around the same time and because the issue can be hit or miss of when it occurs.
It does appear that there are people who do not have the pixel 7 or higher with Android 15 to be able to verify if they have the issues or not. I should have probably not posted about my factory reset because I did not test it long enough to be sure that just restoring the backup caused it because initially it hadn’t until hours and hours later.
But I still stand that posting to a forum after one does not get any results from the company. Sometimes can find solutions or workarounds. Sometimes solutions are hidden from the general population as maybe one smart tech solves the problem for somebody and since they hadn’t posted publicly, we may never know solutions unless someone is reading the form and sees something that they know the solution to.
Every cam that I have set up from this company has been glitchy the first day or so. I don’t know what it does to work things out with itself but every single one has had connection freezing even if it’s just for the first setup. So that hasn’t shocked me when that happens. It’s when you think it’s all working fine and then just one out of three cams has the issue. The strange part is that it’s the newest version which should be more up to date on how it works with newer devices.
It wasn’t the total loss because pixel 7 was terrible with fingerprint sensing and they even sent me a new phone but it was a known issue. I’ve always had to breathe on the screen to make sure that it worked or I would have to use the face unlock. After the factory reset. Now it’s working great so at least that’s something.
And at least up to this point, after flipping networks back and forth a few times the cam has been stable but I need a few more days if not a week to see if it comes back.
I haven’t found a pattern yet that may indicate what could be causing it. For example, if I use an app just before and then it starts doing it then maybe that’s related. Or if I use the wyze app to check More frequently, maybe that is the issue with memory leaks or disconnecting causing issues. My guess is it’s to do more with the app itself then an outside app affecting.
It’ll be interesting to see what happens when I get the V4 installed. If it’s based on the same methods as the OG, it could end up being another problem.
I don’t think a pixel 9 or higher is going to make a difference because I have the latest Android. So with Android 15, I don’t think it would make a difference whether it’s a pixel 9 or pixel 7 if it’s using the same OS.