Not able to use OG on app Pixel 7

It should be from the Wyze app’s Home screen at Account ➜ App Settings ➜ Autoplay Video Live Streams . It’s not the most intuitive place for it, I don’t think.

On that same settings screen, you can also select Comfortable or Condensed as your Camera Card Style. If you select the latter, then I believe that automatically disables autoplay of live streams on the Favorites tab.

thanks, I will give it a shot. I do enjoy the 3 live views . Should Miscellaneous “Running in the background” be toggled? mine is off.

Wyze rep decided to set up a return label for the black OG and have already ordered me a replacement, I asked them to only send if there was not a difference to the production date of the board inside as I feel if they made these up in black at a time there was something that goes on this production model of the board, maybe I do not want it.

When I first installed this cam it was fine and since it works on the other phone i dont think this will fix anything .
that is logical to assume , correct?

I don’t personally enable “running in background” it will eat up battery and shouldn’t be needed. Should not be related to your problem anyway, it is only for people who may not get notifications because the phone has forced the app to sleep or close (low memory etc).

Most of the Wyze cams just ship from Amazon warehouses so they won’t be able to confirm if it is the same production date or not. If the camera worked fine then started giving you problems, who knows, it could be related. If nothing else, it will force a totally new registration on their servers and all new settings etc.

But if the new one does the same thing, it is really pointing to something specific to that phone. While a factory reset of the phone I’m guessing is not something you want to do, it is an option.

Yeah, I thought about factory reset and I guess that will be the last option
I did try “running in the background” and not allowing it to load the previews and it still failed to load that cam when an event was triggered. The cam is still working but the app is not connecting properly.
The only thing that did happen with that cam was there was a message once that the sd card failed and I had to reformat to get it working again, I dont know if that would be an indication of anything.

I really don’t know. I have mine toggled off, as well, but my phone (running Android 13) still shows that persistent “Wyze app is running in the background” notification. :man_shrugging:

I received the replacement OG cam and As suspected, the issue did not go away.
So I decided to do a factory reset of the phone.
For half a day I only loaded the app to test the camera and it seemed like that fixed the issue. I started adding more apps back on and it still seemed fine but I had rebooted the phone in the past and it fixed the issue temporarily as well. So I don’t know if I gave it long enough. But then I did a backup restore and again, for a short time. It seemed like it was fine but then the next day the problem was back after going out and trying to access the cam remotely.

Today, I tried something different that seems To work but still is a bother. Basically I Have two channels on my Wi-Fi. Of course we know the cam is going to use the 2.4 GHz so I have left my phone on that Wi-Fi thinking that might help.
When the phone was having trouble connecting, I switched to the 5 GHz Wi-Fi channel and noticed that the camera connected automatically quick. Then the camera app act up again so I switch back to 2.4 and immediately the issue went away.

As I’ve mentioned in the past, I don’t have this issue on an older Android phone. Currently the app seems stable on the 5 gigahertz Wi-Fi
So now I’m waiting to see if the next time I want to access the app if it’s going to come back and then I’ll switch bands again, just to see if it instantly fixes it like it did today.

There are two things to note that maybe will help someone help figure this out. On the Samsung a12, I do not have a SIM card installed. That makes a difference but I recall there was some other product I was working with that had an issue with the fact that the SIM card wasn’t installed cuz it was pulling the time from the SIM card connection.
What I notice on the app in the preview pane is that the new OG cam is 2 seconds off compared to the other v3s which have not had any connection issues like the OG…
I have gone through and hit time sync on all three and yet can’t seem to get them to all sync. The two v3s are off by a half second of each other. I don’t know if any of this has to do with the Wi-Fi signal but I just did a time sync on them all yet they’re not perfectly in sync. The OG out of sync more than the v3s.

Anyway, it would seem that if switching the bands when I’m having difficulty resets something, what could that be That over the course of the day the camera randomly will not connect at all. Or if it does connect, it’s so slow that you would think it’s not working in Frozen, but if you watch the timestamp it eventually changes a second.

If I had the time I would have factory reset and just waited a few days But I can’t see what other app would interfere with the OG cam And not the others…
I also just ordered a V4 to replace one of the v3s as they need better resolution. I’m hoping that I don’t run into the same issues as I am with the OG.

Switching bands is like toggling wifi off and on on your phone. I suspect if you did that, it would also fix it for a while. Seems that something you had on your phone (and restored from backup) is interfering somehow. Could be a setting related to power savings, firewall, VPN, etc, or some other app that is eating up memory and causing it to pause background apps or put them into a low power mode.

Unfortunately restoring the backup of your phone just put you right back in the state you were before the reset.

But you can’t assume The restoring of the backup has anything to do with it…yet. I didn’t even give it a full 24 hours because I needed to get text and some other things back on the phone.

As far as the restore, quite a few settings didn’t get put back and I’ve had to re-establish passwords and all of the things that I thought the backup was supposed to save me time on.
All the apps had to be reloaded and permissions given again. All my photos are locked in the cloud and never got downloaded back to the phone. Turns out Google photos doesn’t do that! There’s no way to bulk download my camera roll. So I definitely have a lot more space on the phone so it wasn’t anything to do with space needed for memory allocation

How would you explain how it survived overnight with the restore ?. In the past, when I thought it was fixed usually by next day did it rear its bug again.
The only thing I noticed was one of the v3s had almost 3-second difference in the timestamp.

If it does happen again, I’ll definitely just try to toggle the Wi-Fi. The reason I didn’t call switching the bands a workaround.

Doesn’t explain why the app works normally for the older cams but not the newer one. I could understand if the entire app was glitchy And all cameras wouldn’t connect. It’s just the OG and when I first bought the OG did not notice these problems until they updated the app or firmware.

I don’t know how to diagnose any memory issue.

you must be pretty desperate to seek for help on forums, sadly forum trolls won’t help, as you see they dont even know what firewall or vpn is. your best bet is to wait for google pixel 10 or 11 release, luckily you have flagship phone, so maybe maybe wyze will eventually get some pixel model and actually test app

If you look around a bit, you can realize not everbody is a troll.

Why do you use this forum?

I find the forum helpful.

I’m not sure but you seem to have a tone when you mention someone being desperate asking for help. Well obviously you’re on this forum for some reason so does that mean any advice you give, I shouldn’t listen to either? I mean, I appreciate any response that’s constructive but you don’t have to read this thread if you don’t like me asking and posting about the issues. Words are easily misinterpreted so maybe that wasn’t your intent. I didn’t view others comments as being trolls but I guess you did. Maybe that wasn’t your intent when you posted.

It’s my belief that a lot of people have problems and don’t post and therefore collective mind can’t try to noodle out something that maybe the company isn’t aware of.

However, in this case, the last representative had mentioned something about them being aware, but no idea of when a fix would happen.
In my opinion, this has nothing to do with pixel. This is everything to do with Wyze.
when I first got the OG this wasn’t an issue, at least that it appeared to be that way for quite some time until they updated the app or firmware. I don’t know which one because they happened around the same time and because the issue can be hit or miss of when it occurs.

It does appear that there are people who do not have the pixel 7 or higher with Android 15 to be able to verify if they have the issues or not. I should have probably not posted about my factory reset because I did not test it long enough to be sure that just restoring the backup caused it because initially it hadn’t until hours and hours later.

But I still stand that posting to a forum after one does not get any results from the company. Sometimes can find solutions or workarounds. Sometimes solutions are hidden from the general population as maybe one smart tech solves the problem for somebody and since they hadn’t posted publicly, we may never know solutions unless someone is reading the form and sees something that they know the solution to.

Every cam that I have set up from this company has been glitchy the first day or so. I don’t know what it does to work things out with itself but every single one has had connection freezing even if it’s just for the first setup. So that hasn’t shocked me when that happens. It’s when you think it’s all working fine and then just one out of three cams has the issue. The strange part is that it’s the newest version which should be more up to date on how it works with newer devices.

It wasn’t the total loss because pixel 7 was terrible with fingerprint sensing and they even sent me a new phone but it was a known issue. I’ve always had to breathe on the screen to make sure that it worked or I would have to use the face unlock. After the factory reset. Now it’s working great so at least that’s something.
And at least up to this point, after flipping networks back and forth a few times the cam has been stable but I need a few more days if not a week to see if it comes back.
I haven’t found a pattern yet that may indicate what could be causing it. For example, if I use an app just before and then it starts doing it then maybe that’s related. Or if I use the wyze app to check More frequently, maybe that is the issue with memory leaks or disconnecting causing issues. My guess is it’s to do more with the app itself then an outside app affecting.

It’ll be interesting to see what happens when I get the V4 installed. If it’s based on the same methods as the OG, it could end up being another problem.

I don’t think a pixel 9 or higher is going to make a difference because I have the latest Android. So with Android 15, I don’t think it would make a difference whether it’s a pixel 9 or pixel 7 if it’s using the same OS.

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I can’t guarantee that the reset fixed it. But it seems it was looking promising until the restore. But I agree that not enough time passed to confirm 100% either way.

The OG uses different streaming protocol, ports, and servers from the older cameras. May or may not explain why only that one was impacted.

The irony is getting thick.

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I didn’t want to jinx it but can’t wait the week that I wanted to. I’ll report back later if something changes. Currently it’s been working fine since I toggled back and forth between the networks, which I don’t think has anything to do with it.
So at this point, OG is loading the fastest and not getting hung up anymore even with the restored backup.

Like I said in a previous statement, I have found that all the wyze cams have always acted a little spotty upon first hooking up especially when adjusting and moving I used to Have them slow or freeze as I was hooking them up. Then after rebooting them they would be fine. I don’t know if that has something to do with a learning aspect but it happened with all the v3s I’ve owned when first setting them up.
Possible that was something going on with the OG Or it was some setting interfering but I can’t figure it out because it’s working fine now with the backup restored.
I’ve rebooted the phone a couple times but mostly it’s been running like I normally do where I don’t reboot the phone often. I was starting to think that maybe it was some sort of memory leak that kept building and building because many times rebooting the phone would temporarily fix the OG but not every time.
The last thing I did was toggle between the Wi-Fi bands and I’ve even toggled back and both bands. The cam runs fine and I’ve also tested remotely thinking that maybe when you use some other network it would start causing conflicts but so far so good.

The camera only knows about the 2.4ghz band, doesn’t see 5ghz at all. I use my phone on 5ghz to access many OGs on 2.4 without issue, however it is possible something in your router/wifi access point is blocking something from going between the bands.

If having your phone always on 2.4ghz works and having your phone on 5ghz causes issues, I would suspect something in your router. Or possibly the wifi radio in your phone is having some sort of intermittent issue.

You can access the cam on your 5 ghz band. the CAM is connected to 2.4 but that does not limit to what you can view it on,
I initially had that thought, to keep it on the same band to be sure but right now, it is working fine with the phone access the 5ghz band .

Don’t forget the came is working fine on a lessor android phone in both OS and quality.
So it has NOTHING to do with my network band.

You mentioned switching bands - I thought you meant you had put them on the same band. So I’m not sure what you’re trying to say about the band, if it works fine on two different bands.

If you’ve had random issues with other cams there is something going on in your setup. There is no “learning” needed.

Thanks for trying to help but I think you’re starting to read into things and it’s muddying up your advice.
Most routers nowadays have two bands 2.4 and 5. You cannot set up Wyze on 5 But you can sure access it on any band.
I have other brand cameras and occasionally when there are errors. They suggest that you use the phone that has the app on the same band as the camera is on. Which of course in this case is 2.4. For some reason that’s their suggestion.

And that’s why I’ve tested him both ways and had the error, up until the factory reset which seemed to work then didn’t work. But now it was working again but only on the pixel is where the confusion comes into play. I probably gave you too much information on everything tried and you’re getting little things mixed up. No worries, I can understand. I want to give everybody the details in case they run around.

Unless support was just throwing me a line that they’re aware of it and working on it, they may be aware of it and working on it.

What’s interesting is not having anybody who says they’re having no issues with the OG on Android 15 on a pixel phone. That would be more helpful because I still don’t know if it’s an Android 15 bug as of not having the issue on the Samsung a12 with Android 12.

Seems you narrowed the problem down to the phone. It could be a setting or it could be Android 15.

You’re living in the cutting edge. I am waiting on Android 15.