A WYZE compatible NAS would be ideal leading to easier access to videos. I’m all in with this as it would move the cameras ahead with a quantum leap.
I guess this a wish list item. A type of brain or memory box in case someone steals your camera. This box will save all your videos from all your cameras.
I use QNAP TS-212P. I’d like to have the option of FTP, at least. Ideally SFTP / SMB/ RTSP
Be nice to have the NAS storage and get rid of the SD cards that are being corrupted by the Wyze Cams
I think the SD cards is fine, but would like to roll up to other storage for both protection of the video (keep it longer)and better processing.
I’m operating about 15 cams overall. I had 1 cam early on fail to fully function with a 128GB card, which I replaced with a 32 GB card. Since then I switched to 32 GB Wyze and Samsung 32GB Evo Plus Class 10 cards I’ve had no problems with cards being corrupted.
And all my cameras get carded.
Using all Wyze brand 32GB SD cards, even one was replaced by Wyze
Basically a NAS or really any shared folder or directory on the lan could be the repository - the brain is the cpu in the PC or Mac and how the software works with the OS.
Fwiw, I just stuck in a 64gb Sandisk, formatted in the cam for good measure, and it’s been fine.
Synology (Native DSM)
We are considering adding a few additional outdoor camera but our concern is tampering. Since the cloud storage is only in increments and the SD card would be vulnerable to tampering if installed outside I’d like to see wyze develop some form of network attached storage to resolve this. A firmware update to the camera and app could allow for an option to save local to an SD or local to network attached storage on the same wifi network. If possible the ability to save to both SD and NAS for redundancy would be great. As far as the network attached storage device is concern wifi would be the preferable means on connectivity but USB or ethernet would be a good option. Its function should be the same as the camera with an SD that is to access recorded playback. Wyze excels in my opinion due to its modular and scalable design. That being said I’d like to see the NAS adopt the same concept as the camera by not containing any memory and instead allowing the customer to add a micro sd card of up to 1tb for the device to write to. Ideally the device would have 1 or 2 memory card slots allowing for additional capacity or RAID configuration for redundancy. An additional USB slot for export would be useful. As it stands now I must power down and remove my SD to access the raw footage on a camera. If the NAS allowed for USB mass storage devices to be connect the wyze app could access the raw data and export the files for given date and time ranges. In summary I believe a wyze network attached storage device could add a level of functionality that us Wyze fans long for. With an already great product line up NAS would be a MUST HAVE addition. The NAS could even function as a wyze hub of sorts there are just so many possibilities. Thank you for considering my suggestions
NAS is the way to go for security but motion detecting is still controlled by WYZE servers which means you still need an active connection to WYZE. I would like a smart NAS which would not only store but do motion. WYZE does that and they’ll be #1 on my list. My biggest problem lately is loss of motion detection due to ISP blackouts. Spectrum has been getting quite a few DDos attacks lately.
A little clarification here: motion detection happens locally within the camera firmware.The Wyze servers are involved only in delivering the detected motion to you. The servers do not process the video to detect motion. This is an important distinction in as much as it will make local motion storage to an NAS much easier if that is to be developed.
The Wyze outdoor camera that is currently in testing will provide the option of recording to an SD card that is located inside. More info on this can be found here: Outdoor/Weatherproof Wyze Cam
Ok, so the cameras do the motion detectors so just port it to NAS without the need for WYZE servers. Would be ideal.
Kyloren and EddieZ2, please vote!
I can deal with the limitations of having only mobile apps for now.
I can buy weatherproof housings on Amazon.
I can install a UPS with USB power inside the building, though an internal backup battery in each camera (2-3 hours?) would be preferable in case the wire is cut.
I like the internal SD card as backup storage if the WLAN fails.
I can live with 2.4 GHz radios, they get through brick walls better anyway.
I can dedicate one SSID and a VLAN to the cameras.
However: we DEFINITELY need a way to store footage on the local network in addition to the built-in SD card, just needs a little firmware and software development! This is a huge stumbling block and keeps a lot of people from buying the Wyze units. A toggled field to specify a pathname (or two) for each camera in the app would be fine. Anybody who is using NAS can probably figure out how to whitelist the cameras using mac addresses; developing secure authentication can wait.
This has to be one of the easiest and cheapest wishlist items to knock out quick. I would buy a dozen (or more) to cover my church’s property; at $20 or $25 each I could worry a little less about theft/vandalism and just keep spares around to immediately replace ones that die or go missing. I could rely more on redundancy with multiple cameras rather than keeping each one super-protected. I suspect others would do the same. Wyze could sell so many units! I’d buy stock.
Please, Please get this going soon!
Not sure I read your comment correctly. Do you mean any storage located inside or remotely from the camera which is accessible on the lan such as a shared drive or NAS? Or do you mean wyze proprietary storage device?
There is a base station device to connect the camera to the internet. That base station can have an SD card in it to capture recordings. As far as I know, the video on that card will only be accessible from within the Wyze app or by removing the card and reading it directly on a computer.
Thx. Not too interested in it then. The one cam looking at my front through a side window satisfies our minimal need and we can deal with the limitations. If we move to place that needs more monitoring, it’s becoming apparent wyze will probably not be our best option.
Instead of trying to cater to multiple NAS types maybe Wyze could produce their own physical NAS drive that would be simple to set up and fit the trend of slick, affordable hardware mated to intuitive software.