Neighbor put their trash in my trash can!

I guess this is what I should’ve actually done then:

No punishment? So @⁠peepeep is not actually a @⁠perperp? :thinking:


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Clever boy! :grin:

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Yikes! That could be taken two different ways! Maybe Yuck.

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image  ?

That was my first thought.

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Mom… Mom? Mommy !!

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Complicated childhood? :wink:

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law-abiding citizen?


The correct move is to put the :dog2: :poop: :poop: in a paper bag, put it by the front door set it on :fire:


So, he bags it on one side of the driveway and then tosses the bag into the bushes on the OTHER side of the driveway?



Yes, but whose front door? (My vote is for the miscreant neighbor.)

I didn’t see a toss. I saw him finish tying up the bag with the deposit while the dog stopped on the other side of the driveway and then continue to hold the bag and leash while they continued up the street.

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It’s party time?

In my neck of the woods you get a ticket for parking on the opposite side of the street.