My feeds are frequently frozen and display old not live images.
I was almost murdered by a man hiding outside my home because of this.
How do I make it just black if it’s not live on web viewer as the time stamp is to small to see and also frozen.
I think you need more than a cheap camera.
I can see that. Or they could also just fix their [stuff] and not market as a security camera.
[Mod Edit: language]
They are more of a hobbyist cam.
Sounds like you need a Byrna Launcher.
The tear gas version is pretty cool. Supposedly legal in all 50 states. Not sure about Provinces.
But then they might sue me. Best to make sure they can’t.
That was my Dad’s recommendation.
Get a real gun.
I’m not aware of a way to do that with camera feeds natively within Web View, though if you’ve got multiple cameras and want to select only a few to display at a time (and cut down on the number of streams trying to authenticate and load simultaneously), then that’s possible. If I was having the issues you describe that frequently, then I think I’d investigate issues with my Wi-Fi and Internet connection.
They seem to be doing a lot of marketing in recent months, and I suspect that’s the company I heard someone referring to in a recent news interview when the discussion was about on-shoring manufacturing.
I thought these might be good to fend off road rage. If I have to kill someone, I better have a good reason. Hopefully these launchers wouldn’t cause a lawsuit.
Once, a guy I drove past, thought I flipped him off. At the stop light he banged on my window. Thought I better get out before he damages my car. I blocked two swings and then heard a siren arrive on the screen. If it wasn’t an old retired guy swinging at me, I might have needed something stronger than my arms . Cop said I should’ve stayed in the car even if he broke the windows. Not sure I agree. Nowadays, people might try to firebomb you depending what kind of car you drive. I wonder how much force is needed to protect yourself and not get sued.