Multiple "baby monitors" at once?

I have tried to locate a definitive answer to this through the forums but have not been able to. I am interested in implementing Wyze cameras into my home as simple baby/kids monitors. I would have 3 separate cameras set up for this. Am I able to see or hear all 3 streams simultaneously in baby monitor-esque fashion? If this has been answered, Feel free to point me to the appropriate thread. Thank you

You can group the cameras and at least four on a screen simultaneously , however you can only hear one camera at a time.


How do you group multiple camera views on one screen?

Open app, + sign top left, add device group. then add what ever cams you want.

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Wow, I didn’t even know that was an option. Thank you sooo much, this solves probably the biggest negative I’ve experienced with Wyze, not being able to view multiple cams at once! Awesome, thank you for the very clear instructions as well.