Mourning Dove Shows off Vocals


Noisy critters, I hear that all day long. Where is a cat when you need one :rofl:


Love it. Is that the new Wyze notification sound? :rofl: :joy:


Couldn’t resist. :grin:


LOL :laughing:


Thanks. I downloaded it. :grin: :dove:

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I have them hanging around too. Yours sounds like a smoker with the raspy call but mine might also. Usually they are about 15 feet away.

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They became regulars now.

The local birds here in NC triggers the CO and Smoke alarms on my cameras…so I had to turn it off :frowning:


How are they doing that? I’m in NC too.

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I don’t know what kind of bird they are. I’m thinking common song birds here in Burlington.

They have a high pitch chirp that triggers the alarm on the cameras

Interesting. Wonder if its a wren. Maybe you could record it sometime. Did you happen to get it recorded on the wyze cam before it set the alarm off? I’m west of tou, just past Statesville.

This is one of the birds that trigger the alarms on the Cam OG Telephoto

There’s another bird that sounds different that does it too…


Interesting. I think I’ve heard something like that before. Would be fun to find out what it is.

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There was another event recorded that had a different sound, and with more than one bird.

But I had already deleted it :frowning:

Aww ok.

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Another bird song that just triggered the camera…

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That might’ve been a mocking bird.

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I have no idea.

I only know a few bird sounds.

Like the Barred Owl and the Morning Dove

And probably Sparrows ya know