More zoom on the Telephoto?

So I live in an apartment and my parking is about 80feet away from my balcony. I mounted an OG telephoto and was wondering If I could get more zoom? I just wanna focus on the front facing RAV4 on the right.

I was wondering if anyone has replaced lens on the telephoto? I was looking into m12 lens on amazon but I dont know what focal length to get. I saw a post here saying the telephoto has 35mm focal length. So Should I get 50mm? Thank you!

Someone else was just asking about lens swapping on a v4. You’ll probably need to do trial and error.

Keep in mind the more optical zoom, the more light will typically be required. It might reduce the low light sensitivity some.

The camera is calibrated to work with that focal length too so it might have other effects.

Obviously you can digital zoom in but the quality suffers as expected. It looks like there may be a window screen in the path of view? Removing that or mounting the cam outside will go a long way to improving image quality and maybe making digital zoom sufficient.

It is outdoor. Its hazy down here with all the snow and flurries but typically its much clearer. I just cleaned it too.

And yeah I have motion sensor lights on the roof of my parking so It definitely helps at night, but I just want more zoom.


Here it is at night with my motion sensor lights, digitally zoomed in. Basically I just want more optical zoom to get more details.