October 10, 2020, 10:45pm
I’m running a 256GB in one, a 128GB in another and 64GB cards in the other two WCO cams. You can’t use exFAT on the WCO… you need to format the cards to FAT32 standard:
That’s a good idea for those who have a USB>microSD card adapter.
For those who don’t have an adapter, but have an SD reader/writer in a laptop or whatever, just download a FAT32 format utility like this one from Ridgecrop . Click the picture on the webpage to download.
For those who have neither, but have an existing v2 or Pan cam, just stick your card in the cam and format it via the Wyze app. The Wyze app will convert your exFAT32 formatted card to a FAT32 formatted card usable in your…