Mesh Router Orientation

Is there a preferred orientation for the Mesh satellite boxes to optimize the network going in 1 direction or another?

I’ve got 1 box stationed by a window on an outside wall, and want to “prioritize” or “beam” the signal out the window to get as much coverage out the back of my house as possible?

Thoughts anyone?


Well, I don’t have a tool that we can use to measure the footprint that routers create. But from the old days, it was generally understood the signal radiates out from a circle, with the router at the center. Until the signal hits something thick that reflects it. You agree?

The 2.4 GHz signal is a larger circle of signal strength than the 5 GHz. So IoT devices were put on 2.4, thankfully.

And along comes mesh routers, which instead of only one circle like the center court on a basketball court, we get two or three circles. And we can use a basketball court to describe the pattern of signal as center court and home court or with a third node also the visitor court… Hopefully close enough the two or three nodes’ signals overlap.

There’s a no-cost way to try first.
And if you have only two, and you are trying to get them to reach in one specific direction, there’s an old single router trick we used to use that helped some. Bare with me a little. We’d take a box about the size of a shoebox. We’d cut one side out, a long side, so we had three sides with one open. We cover the inside of the box with aliminum foil and place the router inside sitting on the foil. It helped block the signal going in a 270 degree circle and sort of usher it out the open side. It was some help.

The costly way:
Look on Amazon for WiFi range boosters. You connect your mesh router on both ends. It lifts your signal and sends it down range to the other booster and hands it back to your router. Some claim a mile of range for extended WiFi. If I had to pick one to try, I would search that model on Youtube and see what other experiences prove out.

Hope this helps. I hope others offer their experiences too.

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