Well that makes 0 sense. I mean maybe I’d see if they only allowed you to pay for ringtones through their store (sounds like something they’d do) but you’re stuck with just the preloaded system sounds?
I think you can still download ringtones from iTunes, not 100% sure though as I haven’t done that in a long time. However, you can only use those tunes on stock Apple apps, period.
That is correct, you can only download tunes from them for 99 cents a tune were before you could create your own and load them up.
Habib, it’s not that I refuse to listen to reason. There is no way to do this within iOS. It seems you are the one refusing to listen to reason.
I BEG you all to go look at Ring. PLEASE, before assuming I’m an idiot.
As I said before, the only reason you can’t do this in iOS is because Apple has crippled the feature.
We’re not saying that you are an idiot, maybe Ring has special licensing deal with Apple
AGAIN, this is the last time I’ll say this. One more time. Ring does this. Why doesn’t iOS cripple their app? Cause iOS doesn’t limit this. Again, RING has 81 options. iOS does not limit the Ring app. If it was an iOS limitation, Ring wouldn’t be able to do it either. I don’t know how else to explain this to you.
Have you developed an app for iOS recently? This is not a limitation imposed by iOS. Otherwise Wyze wouldn’t have the 3 options they offer. The 3 options Wyze offers are their own an not native to iOS. So again. This is not a limitation because even Wyze has options. They’re just bad options.
Thank you.
Instead of coming here and arguing with users, why don’t you take it with Wyze and see what they have to say about it. At this time the feature you are whining about is not available on Wyze cameras on iOS. Either switch to Ring or to Android.
I agree. That’s why I keep buying ring. I’m trying to bring this to Wyze’s attention. And have tried to reach out to them via multiple mediums. Hell, I’ve even mentioned this to them on TikTok videos they’ve posted. I’m a fan simply trying to make them better. Such an easy fix. Forgive me for caring about a product.
Yes, but you are barking at the wrong tree. Wyze employees don’t frequent the forum with exception of the Wishlist, Beta and Wyze News section. Feel free to post a wish in the Wishlist and hope that someone at Wyze will listen.
I have both Reolink and Wyze cams, both are the same when it comes to notification sounds.
Fortunately Android allows assigning different sounds as pointed out, even each camera can have a individual sound.
Too bad Apple iOS is hobbled
I am surprised. I like my freedom to sound different.
I remember when cellphones first came out. One phone would ring in a restaurant and everyone checked their phones. There is no way you have my ring tones.
I like being different from the herd. Definitely a plus for Android.
You can do the same with iOS, just you can’t assign different sounds to non Apple apps anymore. You can assign different ring tones, message notifications based on who is calling/messaging.
I agree that wyze needs to add more custom tones to their list. I ended up choosing a generic “all other apps” tone that is fairly loud for my iphone, but I cant differentiate it with other apps now.