when you go to signin to wyze android/iOS app and wyze.com web app it gives you option to login/create account using wyze identity or an existing google or apple or facebook or amazon identity.
q1. is there any experience improvements or additional features that come out of using one of these consumer identity provider alternatives to the wyze managed identity?
q2. any technical reason why microsoft identity isn’t in that list of options given google and apple are seeing as it can be used across windows / web / iphone / ipad / linux / android environments?
No, it’s just convenience. I use the Google passport option often because it’s quicker than opening my authenticator app. Copying the code, switching back to the Wyze app and then pasting code. With the Google passport it’s a simple button click for me.
There are several potential valid reasons for your second question. But my guess is the main focus was what mobile users are likely to be using. I wonder if they’ll add more options.