Live view is unavailable in the Alexa app

live view is unavailable in the Alexa app for all newer v3 cams that are updated to latest firmware. (I am using Alexa app on Samsung Galaxy S20+ phone and Alexa on Firestick 4K)

My Older v3 cams that will only update to a maximum firmware version of all work fine with Alexa and live view. I have recently purchased 4 new v3 cams and none of them worked with Alexa live view, while all of my older v1 and v3 cameras do work.

it appears that the latest batch of v3 cameras update to a higher firmware version than the older v3 cams and the latest firmware and latest v3 cam hardware do not work with Alexa.

I have tried all troubleshooting steps from Wyze in the multiple trouble tickets I opened with Wyze support, and all tickets have been closed with no resolution.

I sent my latest diagnostic log ID (1089199) to Wyze support on June 24, 2023.

Something happened between firmware v and latest firmware that broke Alexa live view.

I am posting an Amazon review detailing the problem with my last 4 purchased V3 cameras and recommending that everyone avoid purchasing the latest v3 cameras until the Alexa live view issue is fixed by Wyze.

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Same issue. I have 3 v3’s that are a bit older, no more than a year & they all have live view available in the Alexa app. My newest, number 4, shows “Live view unavailable in Alexa App”. Super annoying. Seems like someone should & could be creating a fix for this issue, especially since it has been 6 months since your post.

Hi, try my fix at the bottom of this post:


Some more details in this post:

Thank you regarding this fix as I had the exact same problem. It worked perfectly following the steps. Cheers!

Good stuff. Happy to help.