Dear users,
Thanks for all the feedback on the new event live feature. You are right! We modified it, replacing the slider live page ( let’s call it KVS live stream) with the non-slider live page (let’s call it TUTK live stream). The purpose of the modification is to enhance user’s expereince. Technically, the TUTK live stream solution is more stable and responsive than the KVS stream. We have received substantial feedback from end users that the KVS live function would have technical glitches sometimes and their it failed to play consequently. The glitches were due to the complexity of AWS KVS system and the random instability of network, which could not be root out. Comparing with the KVS live solution, the TUTK peer-to-peer live solution’s connection success rate and average setup time are much better. We have made such a desicion from the technology perspective.
When planning the modification, we standed in users shoes to think what functions the users need when they enter the live page. Based on our research, the major users want to check what is happening in front of the camera immeidately. For example, when a fox sneak into the henhouse, the live stream should show the user that the hens are under attack and the user should yell out to the fox and get it out there. The user might check the saved events to understand the details afterwards.
Based on the scenario, we designed the app jumping to the live page directly by tapping an event notification within 20-second of pop-up or tapping the CamPlus live incon under the Event page. Also, we did not expect it would bring about any confusions for it is one of the most widely used.
Also, we asked the dev the team to integrate the TUTK live stream with the origial KVS player, make it more consistent. However, due to the technical compatibilty, we can’t make it in a few interations. Overall, we made this change with considering all factors that we could.
We know it is not perfect, but we want this function can serve more users with more cases. Please let us know your suggestions and we will make improvements continously.
Sorry for any inconvinince, and thanks for your support.
Best wishes,
Xiaolong Chen