Because you are a new user, you will need to increase your Trust Level by browsing some topics, posting some more, and visiting regularly. As soon as your Trust Level increases, which doesn’t take much, you should be able to post a Wishlist request.
Keyword searches of the wishlist can be accomplished two ways.
Perform a standard search with your keyword(s) but preface your keywords with the # symbol immediately followed by “wishlist” (no spaces).
Go to the Wishlist, click the search icon, enter your keyword(s), and click the checkbox to search only the Wishlist category.
You might be interested in a guided Tutorial of the Forum that helps you learn all the features and will help to increase your Trust Level.
The Forum has a highly skilled Bot named DiscoBot. It will guide you through a tour of the forum features in both a Basic Tutorial and an Advanced Tutorial.
If you want to start the Tutorial, just click on this link
and then click “Message”, that is a Private Direct Message to the Bot. Send the message “Start tutorial” to begin the basic tutorial and after you finish that, use “Start advanced tutorial” for the advanced tutorial. You will get a snazzy certificate and a badge at the end.