Keep The Old App

Are we going to be able to keep the old app? The new one looks uselessly complicated. I like the still frames of each camera. Plus, I haven’t drunk the kool-aid on everything that Wyze sells…just the cameras, so from all appearances, it appears that it will be rather worthless for me.


Probably for at least six months if past policy can be projected forward. Lately, security fixes have required mandatory update to current more than they did in the past.

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This would be my same answer :+1:

Old OS versions stop getting supported or aren’t capable of doing certain new critical things, and as they become deprecated, people get forced onto a newer minimum app version number over time.

Plus, I could see a company in general telling their support reps that step 1 should always be telling people to update to the newest app version, and if someone is on an old app version there is nothing more you can do to help them until they update to see if their problems are fixed. I’m not saying Wyze will do this or not (I don’t work for them), but I would be shocked if they didn’t require it as part of their support guidelines.

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Honestly the app was basically redesigned to be more cam focused (AKA live streams loading immediately on the home page)… but yours truly also understands hating change haha.

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A cam-focused design should include comprehensive landscape support.

Just saying… tomato


Have you ever really tried this outside the lab?
Every time I open the app the livestream has to be reloaded. That may work reasonably well when I’m on my home network.
On the road with 4G/5G it runs itself to death.
Build the app so that you can set “My devices” as the start page. At least I’ll have direct access to 7 devices instead of the 2 1/2 live streams.

Just my 2 cents.


This would seem to be self evident. I agree.


I’ve seen the design for landscape mode on tablets, I can’t remember if the design encompasses phones. I’ll chat with our designer today and get back to you.


There’s been a movement to actually have the option available to make the monitoring tab (where 4 livestreams load at once with a timeline) to be the home page if you want it to be.


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If that’s the case—having the Monitoring tab with its live feeds load as the app’s home screen—then that would seem like even more of an argument for allowing users to at least have the option of cameras on the Favorites tab not load live streams immediately (allowing the static thumbnails [i.e., the cached image discussed from this post onward in another topic] instead). :man_shrugging:


Me and the old app have been spooning the last coupla nights. :face_holding_back_tears:

Be kind to your ass for it has borne you.

To app 2.5.x ! :beer::beers:

A good old girl! :hugs:

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Keep the old app running, please. 3.0 is terrible. Much prefer the ability to just scroll through all of my devices from the Home screen and not the larger and slower favorites tab.


Dear Wyze customers and users. Please stop complaining. Remember, that it is your responsibility to debug Wyze products and software. Then you have to spend 8 hours a day on these forums and Google to find a fix. After you find a fix or workaround, then you wait until the next Wyze update breaks it again.

Oh, by the way, the new Wyze app just bricked my entire Android phone.

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I went into the Google Playstore and blocked automatic updates to the Wyze app on both our phones, at least until we get the first major bug fix for 3.x.
I will then probably update.

Wow. Literally?

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What? No link to Merriam-Webster’s definition to recruit more little crawlies:upside_down_face:

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That’s funnier than what I was thinking.