Is there a way in the Wyze app to see if an automation succeeds or fails?

where can I look in the Wyze app if it’s possible to see if the automations I set to turn on the cameras or to turn off a few cameras has successfully run or failed and perhaps why? Of course I can see if the camera is on or off which I set at a certain time, but recently the automation did not turn the cameras on. That might be because I traveled to a different time zone with iphone and came back home. So I synced each camera time manually tonight. But I thought I would ask if there was a place to look in the app for history. Thank you very much.

I think so. Hopefully someone will chime in to confirm.

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It depends on app version:

  • 2.x: Wyze app Home > Account > Rules > History > tap entry of interest for details
  • 3.x: Wyze app Home > Automations > tap the house icon with clock symbol in upper right

Just to warn you just because it’s in the history absolutely doesn’t mean it happened. I’ve tried many so many times to get Wyze automations to work reliably, and they will always show in the history. However they will almost never happen.

So if you’re in doubt that it happened, it likely didnt, and don’t trust the history either.

Completely disagree. My history clearly shows which automations failed.

Wish mine did. My history will say turned on lights. Meanwhile I’m standing outside in the dark.

The history was one of the things support asked me for when trying to troubleshoot my automations.

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