I’ve been trying to set up automation rules for a Wyze plug (indoor) to turn a lamp on/off based on motion detected by a camera in the same room. This is mostly for experimentation with the automation rules, etc.
However, it rarely works. I don’t know if the camera doesn’t sense motion (I know it does - if I set a notification I’ll get one…), or the Wyze app itself, or the plug.
Every once in a great while - it works - for a while. You’ve come into the room (lamp is on), but the plug won’t go on. Or occasionally it will. Usually only stays on for 5-10 minutes, and then the plug switches off.
Unfortunately, I so far haven’t found anything that really has a “FAQ” or “how-to” in setting up a few Wyze app automations (I may have missed them, but don’t think so).
How does one “debug” an automation - step-by-step? I need to make sure that the camera fires an event that will be seen by the app - etc., etc. (as I said, I get notification, and assume the app “sees” it - but don’t know for sure).
Is there a “FAQ” or “how-to” in setting up various types of automation?
I have several other automations I’d like to use, and most will deal with “presence” of the phone on the wifi network to do things like enabling/disabling various cameras, etc.
I know IFTTT is supposed to work, as well as Alexa - however, I don’t trust home security/automation to 3rd party stuff - so that doesn’t make me feel too comfortable. BUT - do they work more reliably than the Wzye App automation rules? Especially IFTTT?