Is cam plus available for outdoor?

Is cam plus available for the outdoor wireless camera? If so how do I activate it? I only see the option for the pan, and v2 being offered.
Thank you

Welcome to the group! It’s only available on the V2s and the pan cams at this time.


not yet, however we are working in it. It is entering alpha this week.


I received a message reply from customer service asking if person detection worked with Wyze Outdoor Cam yet, and was told that it does, so this being the day that Person Detection sign up ends, I went ahead and signed up for Cam Plus, but when I go to link it to my Outdoor Cam I am not given an option for it. Help?!

The pay what you want legacy person detection is different than camplus. The legacy PD works with the wco, but camplus is not on the wco yet. Its in the works.

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