I receive VOIP call when doorbell is pressed, but when I tap answer the call ends and the Wyze main page opens

Having an issue with my Wyze Doorbell Pro. When the doorbell is pressed, I hear the chime from the box, and I receive a phone call on my phone, however when I tap Answer, the call ends and the Wyze app main screen opens. I then have to tap into the doorbell and wait for it to load to see who is at the door. It’s faster for me to just walk to my front door.

I see MANY other threads with this issue, but none with any resolution.

VOIP is enabled. Notifications are enabled. I have no automations relating to the Doorbell Cam.

Camera Firmware: 1.0.73
Phone: Google Pixel 8 Pro

What App version are you using?

Also, did you contact Wyze and get a Ticket Number?

Can you create a log and post it here as well.

Will see if I can get eyes on this.

I will also test with my Doorbell as well and see what happens.

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