Most people that comment here have issues either with the product or the wyze company. I own 15 cameras and to be honest theyre all junk when it comes to security, which is why i bought them. Wyze doesnt seem to care about the consumer or the workings of their products. Ive decided to give my cameras away and purchase a better system. Ive contacted them numerous times with no resolutions. Only reason im posting this is i hope new customers will understand and buy some other security system from another company.
Thanks for letting me vent
I’ve not noticed that MOST people complain. I’ve seen troubleshooting requests far more than actual complaints.
It’s also true that people who are satisfied/happy very rarely come to the forums or write reviews for companies/products. So reviews and forums tend to be skewed by default.
There’s a lot of registered forum users, and to be honest, only a small portion of them complain.
I don’t have any issues with my cameras currently, though I have had the odd firmware update that broke something but those problems are quickly resolved or it was a case of user error. I wouldn’t call my cameras or other products junk at all.
Hey alpacainn
This is a year or so old, now, but still holds true. I think. At minimum, it provides a little perspective.
An update to the table, from a Wyze email a few days ago…
Join 1,000,000+ users on Cam Plus.
~ 200% growth in about a year-and-a-half, not bad…
“I’ve decided to give my cameras away and purchase a better system.”
If you are giving your cameras away, I’d like to have them. I’ll pay for the shipping. Just let me know. Thanks.