How to roll back to earler version of app

Rolling back to a previous version of App… 3.0 absolutely sux~!~!~!~!~

This might be instructive:


Oh Geeze, that’s wonderful information, I didn’t know you could disable updates. THANK YOU… In the meantime, I’m aware of ‘apkmirror’ but not familiar with how to sideload what they are offering. I can’t seem to find earlier versions’ .APK. Any help you could toss my way would be appreciated.

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Yeah, I do this specifically for the Wyze app on each of the Android devices I use because of some problematic app and firmware updates in the past. (Regarding that second point, I also disable automatic firmware updates in the Wyze app.)

You’re welcome! :upside_down_face:

Did you read the Installing Apps section of their FAQ?

If I was going to do it, I’d probably try this one:

Having written all of that, Google Play Store finally offered me the v3.0 update of the Wyze app just yesterday, so I’ve installed it on one of my devices (so far, cautiously), and I actually like some of what I see. There’s certainly room for improvement, and I can understand that some people have valid complaints because all users’ Wyze environments are not the same, but I was pleasantly surprised with some of my initial impressions.


OK, I invested in a little RTFM time and viola, 2.(something) works like a charm. I also switched off auto update…
They can toss 3.0 in the can… lot of coding time for naught…

Thanks again…

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You’re welcome. I’m glad I could be helpful, even if only temporarily so (because I imagine at some point there might be something of a forced migration to an updated platform, much in the same way 2FA was required on all user accounts).

Enjoy v2.5x while you can! Maybe give v3.0 some time to grow on you by playing with it on an older device (if you have one available). That’s what I’m doing for now. :man_shrugging:

Too bad none of this works for iOS. With Apple, it’s all or none when you turn off updates. And there’s no rolling back.

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That really does blow, and it’s one of the reasons I avoid iOS as much as possible.

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Many wyze users had the same problem with latest app update . After I did the update on my samsung S21 FE, interface looked pretty but didn’t get my phone to connect properly as it did before. Wyze needs to release the bug fix update ASAP. It took so long to connect to camera. I wished I didn’t hit the update. I loved wyze products so don’t break my heart