How do I make the V4 cameras good?

Why is there a different interface between V3 and V4 cameras?

Why is the picture damn near exactly the same between the two?

Why do they lag and stutter when motion tagging is on?

I feel like the idiot here for expecting the latest version to be better than the earlier version.

I have recommended these cameras to so many people in my neighborhood. The police have been recommending these cameras for years. That all ended last night when I setup my new V4 cameras.

Terrible job. These suck.

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Can you give some specific examples on what you dislike about the new interface compared to new one so that we know exactly which parts of it people like or dislike when we talk to Wyze employees about what people wish was different?

For one thing, because you are probably looking at it on a phone screen, and the difference will not be as obvious on small screens, and sometimes indistinguishable. It does become a little more obvious on bigger screens.

Also, while the V4 has higher resolution, that can also be a negative related to lighting considerations (fewer pixels means less light per pixel, which can sometimes seem to bring the image quality down in certain cases).

The V3 also uses a different image sensor and is optimized slightly differently related to brightness and color.

The V3 and V4 use the same bit rate, so this will appear to make the quality seem the same in certain use cases. The V4 also has to compensate for the higher resolution/pixel ratio by increased compression, which kind of offsets the added resolution. If they didn’t compensate with bitrate and compression, lots more people with their ISP’s stock modem, Router and poor bandwidth/upload would have a horrible experience with their cameras not working right and blame the company for their cameras not working right instead of their ISP.

I have over 50 Wyze cams including nearly a dozen of both V3s and V4s and none of my cams seem to do this. I don’t know why yours are doing this. It could be worth contacting support about it.

If you have had it less than 30 days and are dissatisfied, you can probably return it for a refund. Don’t keep something you are not satisfied with in it’s current state.


Why are they different user interfaces for different versions of the camera? Why do I have to tap several times to advance 30 seconds?

For the record, I have the latest iPad Pro 12” that I used exclusively last night to set these up.

Because you’re making assumptions and insinuating I do not know what I am doing I will not continue with you.


Hey maty

Actually, I don’t think he was insinuating anything, he’s one of the most civil folks on the board. I had just finished reading his comment and realizing I’d learned a few things when I saw your comment following and was surprised.

Anyway, hang in there, carvers’ a good joe. :slight_smile:


Gotcha. They make a lot of assumptions without asking questions while ignoring my questions. I’ve been in tech for 25 years. I wouldn’t let that person reset a password.

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My apologies for any misunderstandings. I had no intention of implying any such thing. I can only guess which part of what I said may have been misunderstood, but if you mean this:

I am not implying that you don’t know what you are doing. I mentioned mine were not having that problem to explain that I couldn’t replicate it (I often try to replicate issues for other users so I can confirm the issue and advocate for it better when I talk to employees), and thus I am saying that if yours is is lagging and stuttering, it may be that you got a faulty unit that needs a warranty replacement, and that might make your experience better and resolve some of the issues you reported. Also, I often recommend people to contact support so that their issues can get an official log in Wyze’s internal tracking system. That way if enough other people report the same thing, then the pattern will be noticed by their tracking system and they will know the issue isn’t an isolated event. Once they have evidence that the issue has multiple similar reports, they are likely to push a firmware update to resolve it. I was not implying you contact support because you are incompetent, I was saying getting it officially logged and tracked gives leverage to get things changed when enough people report the same thing.

So either way, I was not intending to upset you. I was suggesting the best course of action to improve your experience and if we communicate differently from each other, I apologize for any misunderstanding. I only intended to answer your questions and provide you options of things that might improve your experience such as contacting support (possibly for a warranty exchange to see if that fixes the lagging issues, or to at least get the issue logged so it can eventually get an update to resolve it). I also asked you for specifics on the UI, not because I am saying you are wrong, but because “sucks” isn’t helpful criticism for me to share with them. They will ask me “what do they think sucks” and I will only be able to say “I don’t know” so I ask for specifics so I can tell them what people wish is different. That was not intending to offend you either.

Either way, hopefully it was just a misunderstanding, but I will respect your wish if you’d still prefer I never interact with you after this. I wish you the best regardless.


You sure do use a lot of words to say nothing at all

All of the newer camera models as of several years ago use the “new” user Interface. Unknown if the long term intent is to migrate all the older camera models to the new UI - only Wyze knows. I also have dozens of cameras on each interface, and I can deal with both but prefer the old UI. Some people prefer the new UI.

Pull the µSD card and watch it on a large monitor and it will look better. As Carver said, it’s not overly noticable on a small phone screen.

Never noticed that - however I almost NEVER use that annoying feature. Turning off that stupid green box is almost the first thing I do with a new camera.


Sometimes it’s better to accept his apology and move on.

He can type forever. :smile:

Underneath, he is a good guy trying to help.


MFP, other :cat:(s), the possum and the :raccoon:gang :two_hearts:their V4.


They made so many great changes to the interface on V3. Why would they perfect one interface and throw it out for the second? I can’t understand.

There was 0 difference between the footage on the SD and viewing it remote with the V3 cams. Or at least 0 perceivable difference. I quit pulling the cards for the footage because there was little to no difference. I accept this may be a thing. Will test tonight.

For the 2nd time I am not using a phone but an iPad with more pixels than most peoples home desktop setups.

I turn off motion tagging too just something I noticed that improved the performance dramatically after I did it.

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I can’t answer the why, but I’m sure someone thought it made sense. Some people prefer it.

I saw that. I have one too (not the same one), and I don’t consider it to be anywhere near equal with a good desktop monitor.


sometimes they will do a different interface a trace how much different changes or options are used over time. this shows how typical use is against each other and helps find issues that aren’t found in Alpha/ beta. I know myself and many other mavens have spoken to Wyze employees about more consistency in the UI for cameras and hopefully it is something they do in the near future.

I will say that on some cameras the way they did it for that specific camera makes a little more sense for the typical viewing of that particular camera take for example the pan cameras, obviously that camera is going to have a different ui, but then you get into the V3 or V3 pro and there are some similarities and some things that are different whereevern the most basic look at your cams one a week users notice something simple missing or moved. like being able to switch NV with the tap of a button vs having to go into settings.

I will bug someone again next time I talk to them lol


Pulled video files. Only more questions. Why are v4 files smaller than v3? Even though higher resolution? susface.gif

Same location. Same objects. Same time. Pointed in the same direction. Same video codecs. same power strip.

Bitrate significantly lower, too. doublesusface.gif

I’m not an expert on video encoding. but same codec and more pixels; should be more information, which means a larger file…

The people in this forum are unpaid, non-wyze employees (fellow users like you), just trying to help you with your questions.

May want to rethink your approach if you want to take advantage of their kindness, you’re completely out of line here. You’ve already lost the assistance of one of the most knowledgeable people here.


I will vote for that idea. :white_check_mark:


Some people are here just to vent, not looking for assistance :man_shrugging:


I second that :+1:

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Sure was. Been doing this a long time. I do not have the bandwidth for people who do not take the time to listen to the issue but only speak in generalized terms and make assumptions.

Sigh. You caught me. I do not expect or want assistance on my technical post that clearly went over everybody’s heads.