Put the brown wire in to C on the wyze. Red to Rc
blue to O/B
If you get heat during cooling, go to settings>advanced> switch hot and cold.
It could, if you put in a higher VA transformer. I don’t know exactly what your system is using, or if the transformer is actually the issue. You could do a basic test by checking if the transformer is getting hot when the system is running. Let it run for a while, then turn off the power and check the temperature of the transformer- it will likely be warm, but should not be really hot unless it is under too much load.
Assuming your air handler is using a 240v to 24v 40VA transformer, and it is getting hot, you could try putting in a 240v to 24v 60VA transformer.
I’ve got the same wire setup as you, and keep getting an error message on setup.
It looks like you’ve got your old W2 going to new W1 and your old W going to o/b. Wyze is telling me to connect my old W2 to new W2 and old W to W1.
To make matters worse, it says it’s missing the “G” wire, but it’s hooked up. The error says "If you’re missing O/B it may affect the control logic. Well, I didn’t have an o/b before, and it’s not telling me I need one now.
Any thoughts? MUCH appreciated!!!
Use the labels on the bottom row of your old thermostat, not the labels under the wires.
your wires are as follows, from left to right: