Guest right

I have this Wyze Cam Pan v2 and shared the access to my cousin. But for some reason he can get access to the camera rotataion. Which I don’t want to. Why other people can’t rotate my camera? I know they get access to the footage but I really don’t want they constantly changing the angle of the camera. Can we prohibit that ?

The “Sharing” aspect of Wyze Camera’s is a bit limited. The functions are the functions at this point… as another example, the “guest” cannot review the SD Card in the camera. They can only see events.

I believe Wyze has acknowledged the shortcomings of the sharing situation but does not have anything on the roadmap that says they are working on it.

It is what it is right now.

In one part you say they can and another you say they can’t. Which is it? On the pan cameras, guests are given access to move the camera, and you cannot restrict that. You can set a waypoint for the “home” position and ask them to put it back there when they’re done. If the v2 is like the v3, setting a detection zone will also automatically move the camera back to the home position when the other person is done.

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