Greater Control Over Detection Zone Shape

Yes please. Should be in top of list. Ring already does this…and very well. Guess I’ll try to tape the lense for areas I don’t want to see in the mean time. Getting way too many false positives with the simple rectangular zone.

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Also looking for this feature… any updates on the feature ETA?

This thread is 18 months old so it’s probably never going to happen. I don’t understand how the developers find time to make cosmetic changes like icons, event list, etc, while bugs and things like this never get addressed.


Wyze fourm admin, can we get a confirmation that this highly sought-after feature is on the development teams backlog.

Can the Wyze community get a commitment on when this feature, which has had 304 responses will be released?
Many of us would rather like to see a rudimentary capability like detection zones, then Smarts Scales or Fit bits etc.

You have a great product ecosystem already, build your customer base by investing into the existing product line and core mission.


I don’t think this is priority for them. If this was the case, we would have it long ago. With so many products they are currently releasing, the priority is to support new products to fuel the revenue stream and keep up the right marketing ( updates that target buggy software vs adding new features ). I wouldn’t get my hopes up to see it anytime soon.

With that being said, lets get ourselves a cold marg, forget about this issue and enjoy this sunny day. ( at least in Colorado haha )

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Hi there,

We could draw a rectangle to define a NO-notification motion zone. e.g. a street.


yes william, but what good is that when your street or pathway, or anything comes in at an angle? we need to be able to move these points independently and be able to have at least 8 points to move around, and even better, be able to create 2 of these objects to isolate different areas of our “ignore zones” can that be so hard? others have it, why not wyze? oh ye, too busy doing wrist bands, scales, vacuums, light bulbs and the likes


Absolutely agree! I’m one of those people with a dancing wind bush smack dab in the middle of a critical approach, and this was no problem with even an ancient freeware app.

Manything uses a grid to create any exclusion shapes you want. Sure, the diagonal lines are like stair steps, but you can create them. It still runs on a vintage iPhone 4 and came out years before Wyze was ever formed.

This is inexcusable neglect of loyal fans by Wyze.

If there is a technical reason why Wyze can/will never fix this, I wish they would just let us know that and we could move past it.

Any update on this issue please, @UserCustomerGwen ??

2020 has been a crazy year.
Will the next thing be the ability to have more control over the zone shape?

Now that the outdoor cam, door lock, scale, etc are available, please go back to focusing on the things people have been asking for.


I have just 1 word for all of you frustrated loyal Wyze customers… Eufy.

If you’ve never heard of it.
Google it…ASAP.

no, Eufy has its own sets of problems. Only because we are missing this feature doesn’t mean to jump ships. Wyze is a great cam for a great price. Yes, features are missing, but it doesn’t make the camera unusable. It works, just not as good as it could. Zone shape addition would be a terrific feature, so is better wifi range, 5ghz spectrum, wider lens, higher memory support etc :slight_smile: But for now, I am sticking with them.


I know that there’s been a fair amount of discussion about how best to implement this but it’s still in the researching phase and not under development yet. However, it is an active topic at Wyze.

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As others have said, a square box works in a perfectly square world. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon to have a security camera that is slightly askew to cover a specific area. I don’t care if the person walking into view isn’t perfectly vertical, as long as I can see their face and what they are doing.

A grid pattern, more than 4 points on the detection zone shape, multiple detection zones, or even a freehand drawing of the shape would be a HUGE improvement. Any of those options would be welcome over the single square box.


Seriously would save a lot of storage resources if the camera would trigger an event for only what is in the detection zone. An irregular zone is required. The more zones, the merrier.

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I think Wyze should just start over and build a new line of outdoor cameras designed with the zone control built in. Clearly, the copious and longstanding amount of user input and feedback on the upgrading software for indoor cameras for better zone control is falling on deaf ears. Pick any number of competitor cameras with zone control and figure it out, its not a difficult coding issue.

I won’t hold my breath though. After all, Wyze has thermometers and face-masks to make…

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Don’t - It’s all about Lawn Sprinkler Systems now… - Smart Sprinkler Controller

Also, I just wanted to emphasize and agree with the following three comments…

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I just installed my Eufy

Better video quality than Wyze without a doubt
Way better app , more customizable
Better person detection, Pet detection, baby cry detection.
Better zone detection. 6 points I can move in any direction. Polygons. Etc.
It’s free. No limit on video sizes (12 seconds) and cool down 5 minutes. None of that.
Absolutely free no restrictions.
No need to subscribe to lift those limitations
Snaps picture of person or pet.
I got the pan and tilt, same price as Wyze.
It follows the subject. Way cool.
I am loving my Eufy
Got it on pre-sale.
And this is coming from a Wyze lover.
I still like Wyze. But I like Eufy a lot more


I paid same price. In promo,
Now they are $10 more than Wyze
Since it’s free you don’t pay $1.50 per month
So you’ll make up those $10 in. I time and thank me for it

The detection setting allows the user to select a square/rectangle for which motion within this box will notify the user.
I propose, like other security systems the user should be able to create their own detection zone not limited to a square. For example, diagnol lines as to pick up the entire yard without picking up cards driving through. Or be able to exclude exclude a tree or a flag on the property that may sway with the wind. This would decrease nonsensical alerts but still allow full yard coverage.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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Which Eufy camera are you referring to?