Garage Door Duplicate Notifications for Multiple Doors

I have two garage doors side by side with two controllers. QR codes are visible only to the respective camera. When I close or open one door, I get notifications from both doors. I have the Cam Plus free trial, but I see no need for it with a garage opener, so I have turned off motion detection and will not subscribe once the trial is over. I have tried restarting cameras, turning off notifications and turning them back on, restarting app, and restarting iPhone. I also deleted all rules that I had created. Attached are screen prints from my iPhone showing the notifications settings in the Wyze app. At least I am getting notifications, so this is an annoyance rather than a critical issue.

Cover the lens or turn one of the cameras away from the door/QR code. Test it. Could it be just enough vibration from one door opening, is shaking the other door and the QR code is moving just enough that it’s camera is being triggered? We don’t know enough about these kits. Heck even Wyze is using the people to debug their software/firmware. Maybe turning motion detection off is not realllllllly off.

Is it possible the two cameras CAN see each other’s QR codes? Regardless, a quick test would be to cover one QR code while calibrating the other, and vice-versa. That should fixate the reading of the QR codes on the appropriate spots. Give that a try and see how it goes. :slight_smile:

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