Frog Lick 👅 Cinema!


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(W) WYZE theme song. :rofl:

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A recent post reminded me of PCU (1994), the soundtrack of which includes a “Pump It Up” cover by Mudhoney.

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I remember a younger admirer of EC than I after a few albums deemed him starting to look a little old and sweaty. I was disappointed by this because otherwise she was a pretty nice girl from a really swell family. Even more disappointing her mother a little older than I and quite cool uncomfortably agreed.

Ok, I came back because I have something I think is constructive to say re Mudhoney’s cover. They should have learned to play it backwards (try both but at least the lyrics) before paying it forward. :person_shrugging:

That’s it, I’m tapped out. Impaction cleared. :wave:

I think his first album I bought was Spike. I remember that song “Veronica” charted, and I found it interesting that the song was about someone suffering Alzheimer-type dementia. There are other good tracks on that one, and I’ve since listened to some of his older stuff.

I really liked when he went back on SNL and performed with Beastie Boys.

Have you ever heard “UFO Tofu”, by Béla Fleck & The Flecktones? It’s got three (IIRC) musical palindromes in it and sounds remarkably similar when played both forwards and backwards. (I once did a rip from the CD and then reversed the sound file so I could hear it for myself.) :exploding_head:

This sounds like it could be the name of a drive-time shock-jock radio show duo: Old & Sweaty.

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Elvis and the Beasties, ok, but that Bela Fleck piece is fresh, thanks! I’d heard the name, I think, but no more.

I saw EC on the Armed Forces tour in an arena cut in half by a curtain from ceiling to floor so semi-intimate. It was the most satisfying pop concert I’ve ever seen, not very long, but with set list so well chosen and ordered and staging and transitions divine, there were simply no cries for More! - it was just over - and we happily spilled into the night.


This is accurate:

and we happily spilled into the night.

but sounds like a cliche. :laughing:

Oh well. Like stereotypes, sometimes they’re apt. :man_shrugging:

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@StevenA’s post in another topic reminded me of the BMW Films The Hire series, so I found a playlist on YouTube:

It doesn’t have them in their release order, but I’m not sure that matters. I might watch 'em again sometime to see.


I don’t know much about him, but I recently watched his Hot Ones interview on YouTube (I’m not linking it because of a few choice words in the video), and he seems like an interesting cat. I’m more curious about his music and personality after watching that.

Flea, I mean. I don’t think I’ve seen your idiot nephew in any interviews. :wink:

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Strange boy.

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Yeah, and seems genuinely thoughtful. That interview was enlightening, and I enjoyed his description of playing trumpet. I had no idea he played that.

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I patented these today. You can thank me later when we sell t-shirts and fridge magnets (10% thanks.)


Never say you don’t like something. There are people who will plague you with it until your dying day. :rofl:

Those are ‘nice,’ thanks. I’ll give you ninety percent and donate my ten toward establishing @habib 's future cardboard domicile in the frozen north. :wink:


Great idea for a fridge magnet. You are a money-making machine.

Contact will be drawn up and sent out Monday.

I am glad we are helping out @habib . You have a kind :heart:.

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I also thought they were okay at first glance, but then I started looking at individual elements, like the things that I presume are supposed to be film reels but lack symmetry and look weirdly wrong (or wrongly weird), like in the first, second, and fourth images. There are also elements I don’t understand at all, like the thing in the first image on the frog’s right (stage right) arm/leg that looks like an elongated butternut squash. What in the holy hell is that supposed to be?

I totally get (as in both “experience” and “understand”) the visceral cringe reaction from some of this stuff.


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Like Dave says, “Step 1”.



Enjoy it, boys. Next up: :cricket::hamburger:s!


And you will be happy, says the WEF.