Foggy image - possible hardware solution

Actually I have two of my original lenses sitting in my desk that I replaced with wider ones. No signs of oil on the threads of these. Not visibly, not by feel, not by smell. Maybe it’s a newer development. There are remnants of the hot glue though.

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Oh, interesting. And those cameras also showed the fogged glass issue?

Yeah, that’s not the same. Mine had that, too, but it came off easily when I unscrewed the lens.

One of them has. The other I haven’t taken apart. It’s high up in my awning out back.

Okay. So you’ve definitely seen a fogged camera that didn’t have the oiled lens threads? In that case, my theory might be shot. Haha.

I have noticed that they do get warm. My theory was that maybe some fog is forming on that little piece of glass if it’s not sealed well from the outside and drying up repeatedly. That or they’re messed up at the factory. I’d like to crack open a new one but I’ve got 7 of them and my wife already thinks I’m crazy.


If it was related to water condensation, I feel like you’d see it get foggy and unfoggy several times, though. I understand that minerals from water in fog could leave a film eventually, but if that were the cause, I think you’d see times when it was getting extremely foggy, before the water dissipated. Right? Whatever it is, it seems more chemical in nature to me.

Stand by… I’m cracking open another one lol. It’s become kind of an obsession at this point.


Hahaha. Keep me posted. Yeah, I’m really curious about this issue too.

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You guys should have your own YouTube channel. This is fun. (Not much on tv tonight.) :grinning:


Another very foggy piece of glass.

This one is from 10/10/2018. I did see the oily residue at the distal end of those lens threads on this one. What’s odd is there is another UV filter that is tinted an orange hue inbetween the threads and the clear piece of foggy glass. There does not seem to be any sort of fogginess or residue on that. This leads me to
believe this is a factory QC thing.

All cleaned up

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Oh, is there? I only took the one camera apart, and I didn’t notice the other piece. I didn’t realize there was anything between the circular piece of glass and the lens, but I wasn’t exactly looking for it either. By the time I unscrewed it and noticed the oil, I’d already screwed the “sandwich” of boards back together and I felt a little too intimidated to take it apart again. Haha. (I’m not as comfortable with this as you are.)

I was assuming there was nothing between the lens and the formerly-scuzzy glass, which is why I thought the oil was the culprit. But yeah, if there’s something else in between them, that seems to rule that out that possibility.

Well, now I’m even more confused.

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Here’s that 2ndary square filter. Not nearly as scuzzy.

And the oily threads. Didn’t have any sort of oily smell though. And didn’t seem to come off on my hands like I expected.

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I’m stumped. A time machine would be useful right now, to find out what happens to our cleaned glass after a year or two. Haha.

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Guess I will check back with you in November 2021. :grin:


I’m sad I missed the live show! But I’m going to send this thread (oil and all) to the QA team to get their opinion on this. Thanks for the deep diving, folks! Great job. :slight_smile:


Another day, another Wyzecam 2 dismantling. This is definitely the worse one I’ve had yet.

This one’s date is 8/25/2018


Almost forgot the before and after photos. Excuse the mess.



The difference with this one is dramatic. I didn’t edit either of these photos in any way.


You can definitely see the difference with the “after” photo. Thanks for sharing this. At lease I will know what to do now if my cams become foggy like this.


Just a little side note here. I threw that little glass piece away on this one. Well, actually it bounced away and I put it back together without it. It’s an indoor camera so if it is a UV filter, I don’t think it is imperative. I guess we’ll see if it really serves much of a purpose lol.


Can you please show me what it looks like a piece of glass that you took it out n threw it away? I am getting tired of seeing fuzzy or not being so sharp image on my Wyze videos or pics. I am impressed the way you shared with your two photos. I hope that I can fix mine real soon!