Floodlight Pro not staying connected

I am beyond frustrated and am tempted to ditch all 9 of my Wyze cameras. I have the Floodlight Pro that will not stay connected, it seems worse after the upgrade. I’ve done every single recommendation from Wyze support. They stated it was my internet that was causing the connectivity issue. So I took a camera that I had from a different location, black taped it up to the floodlight pro and now I have no problem staying connected with that other camera, same location, same everything. There has to be some kind of bug or something, because I had a camera for a year and then it started doing that same thing. They did send a replacement, however 3 months later this one is doing the same thing, but they won’t replace it. Because my warranty ran out. On the other light, three months ago, even though this light is only three months old. I guess its time to get rid of them.

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