Floodlight is this possible?

I have installed the floodlight. I have it set to dusk to dawn. What I would like is to have the dusk to dawn be at about 30% and then if it detects motion to go to 100% on the light. Would this be possible?


Not that I am aware of myself. I have tried to do similar with my Wyze Color Bulb on my porch. I can get it to trigger but when the trigger ends it turns the device off and not back to the stock settings. I’m sure there is a Wishlist for adding in a motion detection brightness increase. Maybe @Seapup can help us both out with that. lol. Sorry I keep tagging you.

No floodlight or floodlight experience here, so I can’t even see the floodlight menu and options in the Wyze app. @Mavens should be able to chime in here.


Yea this is not currently possible for the floodlight, but you can vote for this wishlist