Firmware Releases - Released 1/16/2024

Thanks for the information. No hurry for me since it is just security up grades.


For anyone iso a tinycam fix for the new firmware, Alexey says the update that fixes it is in amazon AppStore now and google play in the next couple of days.


Thanks for the update.


I can confirm, I updated my fireTV stick, and updated firmware on most of my cams and all is working great!


Showed up for me in an Android 11 instance, just now…


Working well, make sure you have 2fa enabled and reauthorize access.


Updated a coupla v3s without issue. Skittish live stream performance on 1 cam benefited by a power cycle. Seems solid so far.

Truth be told, everything is pretty stable and solid at the moment, cams v2 & v3, bulbs & plugs stable, dancing as expected with Trigger & Schedule Rules.

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Playstore has Tinycam update… everything is working Great again :slight_smile:


Starting Jan. 2024 all 4 of my V3 Cams have rapid blue light flashing. However, odd, I can still access them via app. My question is, this all started after updating firmware to the new Is this a Bug? Because prior to this firmware update, this blinking blue light wasnt happening.

Status Light is a known bug and Wyze is working on a fix. A little more info at the bottom of this link.

after update to, V3 Pro … will occasionally drop wifi connection and will not connect unless power cycle …
i don’t have any network changes and did not have a problem ever …

As I said above I have the same issues…However…I noticed yesterday, that while the light is rapidly showing the blue light, it oddly goes away after about 30 minutes by itslef. I dont power cycle. But one of my V3 cams i have to power cycle to get it to go live.
This new “bug” is a real doozy and needs a fix pretty soon.

The firmware .8391 showed up for my V3 Pro this morning so I updated the cam .It did not reboot so I had to do a power cycle to get it back on line Now the cam is all out of focus, with wavy lines in live view. Another Power cycle did not fix the issue. I checked the recordings on the SD card after the update and they are all crystal clear.?
I am using iOS. App is 2.49.1 (1) Live view photo.


I am noticing out of focus with wavy lines on one of my v3 cameras in Live View only just like you describe. The rest of my v3 cameras are fine. All v3 cameras are on firmware .8391. Live View is out of focus on both IOS and Android 2.49.1 (390) Apps.

I submitted a Log File on the problem v3: 1307641

I am going to get out the ladder and flash the V3 Pro manually to .8391 and if that doesn’t work I will revert back to what I had .7357.
I’m just happy I only need a step ladder to reach the cam.

Fixed: I changed from 2K to SD to 360 then back again. All back in correct focus again.

I just realized both the v3 and v3 Pro firmware both end with .8391. My out of focus camera is a regular v3 on firmware

The latest v3 Pro firmware is Maybe with the numbering so close the out of focus bug might be why the Pro and regular v3 are both affected.

Also, my out of focus v3 is the camera with the weakest WiFi signal. Could be the new firmware does not like a less than strong WiFi signal for Live Streaming.

Have you tried going from HD to SD to 360 and back to HD and see if anything changes on the V3 ? As I said going through the cycle 2k>SD>360 and back to 2K worked for me. The Pro is back to normal.

Yes, that does clear it up for me to cycle through and go back to HD. I like to leave this v3 on 360p because of the weak WiFi signal. Once I go back to 360p it get fuzzy again.