Can we please have the ability to watch notifications sorted by motion and sound by camera, or both cameras/motion?
Is it possible to have sounds and levels recognized for adjustment? I have an annoying neighbor who walks/stomps around at times, and I'd like to be able to ignore those steps, but record anything else.
I wish switching from normal to infrared was silent.
When I receive notifications of motion, can a still of what the motion is be sent to me as well? (So if I see SOMEONE I know it's urgent, if I see my dog, it's not so)
I think I should have been a little clearer about one issue. I’d like the audio that is common, such as the steps from upstairs to be measured and be offered a new setting based upon what the camera hears so I can set the alerts to JUST ABOVE the common sound level. So you analyze and compare audio levels for the noise that sets off the notification and suggests a better setting.
Understand? Not unlike what you’d want motion to do if you have dogs. I’d like the auto setting to allow my dogs to not set off the notification.