Event page

Different strokes then. For me density is great for quickly skimming text but is the enemy of accurately assessing photographs…

My position is you can always quickly scroll to see more photos (in the left side case) but you can NOT easily zoom in and out to evaluate images before moving down (in the denser right side case)…

I agree with your reasoning there, I don’t really scan the pictures. I am guessing that is why the new version has not bothered me much

Okay. So what’s the value of the denser presentation? I would think most people are only interested in their most recent events. Conversely, if they’re searching for something, they’d want the images identifiable. I don’t really care about the layout or fonts; I’m questioning the usability.

I gave them a not-so-good review regarding the update and they suggested I reach out to their wizards.
So I will follow the yellow brick road to Oz. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I hear it’s paved with good intentions.

I just like that there are more on one page, less to scroll. I also don’t find them to be too small but that could be that I am wearing glasses anyway.

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