Error Code: No fragment

I’ve just submitted Ticket ID: 39751 for this issue. Happening with some frequency.

WyzeKyle, I’m seeing these errors quite often, at least the last few days, on both ios and android.

Ticket #39934, my CamPlus cameras have the issue but my others are fine.

@NumberOne @UserCustomerGwen I’m getting the same error suddenly since this morning, and I’m not in beta or such, I’m just a regular user.
I’ve created a tichet [Wyze Ticket 761710]
I’m unable to see any of my videos, not even the old ones, please fix this.

Error code no fragment, started yesterday, all 4 cams not working, can’t view new or older videos, but I can see a live view so I am connected. Tried rebooting, noting has helped.

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Same here only the cam plus has the error. Other 5 cameras are fine.


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Same here. Feeling like my cameras are useless now. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Here is what I did and now I am able to watch the event

  1. I went to Cam Plus and deactivate the person detection
  2. I restarted the cam
  3. I turned on the cam plus person detection (deactivated in step 1)
  4. I am able to watch the videos (no fragement error anymore)
    I hope this last for a while

Thank you for posting. It resolved my issue too.


Sorry for the trouble! If you’re still experiencing this, please send me a message with the impacted camera’s MAC address. I have the team looking into it.

Lol…still waiting for the comeback!

Does @NumberOne is working for Wyze anymore?

We seem to be going in circles right now🤔


I’ve experienced the No Fragment Error on my cams all day today. It only happens to the v2 cams with Cam Plus activated. As soon as I turn off the Cam Plus the error message stops.

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He does but he’s been getting pulled in different project directions. I’ll go glower at him electronically for you. :slight_smile:



I made my effort above and it didn’t work. Starting over will give the same. When someone asks for logs and tells us they’re going to give us some news but doesn’t come back, it’s frustrating.

I hope someone is working about error code 20015…

This is happening to me right now for like 2 weeks

Don’t loose your time to tag @NumberOne, he is working on another project.

Thanks. Worked for me too!

Worked perfectly for me. Thanks!